When in Rome, bet against The House

Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:15 am

8.There lucky the NCR hasnt gotton over to those 4 states.

NCR tried to invade CL after Hoover Dam... and got completely routed and kicked right back over the Colorado.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:42 am

Response to your words Josh...

1.Yes exactly there brutal mindless warriors that dont think and yes there uncivilized so there savages.

They are civilized and there not savages, savages are unorganized and stupid. The Legion is organized and they are not stupid.

2.He walks around calling everyone profligates when he has a tumor. He uses a auto doc when there not suppose to...(no excuses).

So because he has a tumor he is a profligate? That makes a [censored] ton of sense dude. Also its the players choice if he uses an Auto Doc. You can heal him yourself.

3.He cant even follow the TRUE roman ways and contradicts himself. Sounds like either a dumb leader or just a terrible one.

He's not trying to follow the true roman ways, he has based the Legion of of the Roman Legion he isn't recreating it.

4.Slavery is bad but you dont see NCR using it they do stuff there self. The slaves are treated like crap unlike in ROMAN TIMES.

The Legion is smart to make others do there housework, sure its not the greatest moral choice that they use slaves to do it but whatever works. And like I said before the Legion is not the Romans.

5. You should care since your supporting them.

I ain't female so I don't care.

6. Yes and NCR is better for the future to turn it back how it use to be. CL is just a bunch of contradicting Savages

The Legion is not contradicting, sure Caesar has an auto doc so what he dislikes technology and chooses not to use it he doesn't say it doesn't have uses and he hasn't banned it.

7.They crucify people to be pathetic. Why not just kill them? Because they like showing fear in the enemy because thats the only way they can win and thats with guerrilla tactics. Real original...

They crucify the pathetic not to be pathetic. And the Legion doesn't need fear to win the war, they use it as an advantage and to decrease enemy moral. If the Legion didn't use fear tactics they would still be at the same place they are.

8.There lucky the NCR hasnt gotton over to those 4 states.

The NCR wouldn't make it through Arizona. The Legion doesn't even have its full force at the Fort and the NCR can't even beat that.

9.Why would you want to get on there good side when they call you insulting names.

Because I can see past that and see that they are the best choice for the wasteland.

10.NCR doesnt there trying to capture land and make america how IT SHOULD BE.

Yeah because America needs to be corrupt again. Its [censored] in real life and it would be just as [censored] as if the NCR took it over in Fallout.

11.So in war we can just eat the enemys brains? In war we can just use dirty nukes? Yah sure thats the ways to win it..nice and cheap.

If it gives you an advantage over the enemy then use it, your just wasting opportunities if you don't. Also its not like every tactic the Legion uses is "cheap", they haven't won the majority of there battles with cheap tactics, they have won it with in your face attacks.

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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:05 am

So? Mr. House doesn't want the entire wasteland, just the Vegas region (IE the in game map area)

Mr. House is awesome, and I like the fact that he only cares about New Vegas. But I like Caesars Legion more than Mr. House, not just because they are the best choice for a better wasteland but because the Legion is built out of true warriors that used to be uncivilized savage tribal's.
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:17 am

Josh tisk tisk tisk. You just dont get it. NCR should be bound to Win america back. Not some freaky Leader that supports old flawed roman ways. NCR represents america just like the enclave if it isnt Enclave to win it must be NCR.

Further more NCR is spread far and wide theres not enought man power, supplies, food, equipment to support there army in the Nevada.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:13 am

Josh tisk tisk tisk. You just dont get it. NCR should be bound to Win america back. Not some freaky Leader that supports old flawed roman ways. NCR represents america just like the enclave if it isnt Enclave to win it must be NCR.

Further more NCR is spread far and wide theres not enought man power, supplies, food, equipment to support there army in the Nevada.

The Enclave would be a better choice for America. You just don't get it. The NCR doesn't care about America, they care about themselves.
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Post » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:46 pm

The Enclave would be a better choice for America. You just don't get it. The NCR doesn't care about America, they care about themselves.

They care thats why there expanding to take over america. They follow old rule ways. There trying to use Paper money how it was back in the day. They have practically the same Gov. I wouldnt want hypocrite savages ruling america.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:29 pm

They care thats why there expanding to take over america. They follow old rule ways. There trying to use Paper money how it was back in the day. They have practically the same Gov. I wouldnt want hypocrite savages ruling america.

Hmm, what was it like when America ruled America? The Great War. That's what.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:18 am

The Enclave would be a better choice for America. You just don't get it. The NCR doesn't care about America, they care about themselves.

The only reaon people say they only care about themselves is becasue the impose taxes on the territories they take over, never mind that they fought for every inch of land that they have and probably lost a whole lot of lives in the process.

Also Caesar doesn't care about any of the people that are actually in the Legion, he says this himself, he only cares about taking as much land and power as he can and he doesn't care how many of his people die in the process of doing it as long as it serves him.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:24 pm

Hmm, what was it like when America ruled America? The Great War. That's what.

China might have had a hand in that to.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:03 am

China might have had a hand in that to.

No, no way, it was all evil American democracy! House says it so it must be true!
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Post » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:48 pm

No one wants to defend Cannibalism, sixism, and Fear of Technology? Lol.

To this , FIRE BAD! :ahhh:
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:52 am

No, no way, it was all evil American democracy! House says it so it must be true!

House :flame:
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:29 pm

Can you actually join Talon Company in New Vegas?

As for the NCR, I don't care about taxing. Taxing is a fundamental part of society and government. Hell, the Romans did it, and if Caesar wasn't so determined on being his definition of "Roman" he would demand tribute other than slaves, as well (taxes). What I dislike about the NCR is the greed, the vices, and the like, which is not limitted to the Leaders. Take the Sharecroppers - willing to condemn folks for their farming needs, which seem to be getting along quite nicely without changes to Vault 34. Then you've got Helios One, where the NCR wants all energy heading to their outposts, not the entire Wasteland. Alice McLafferty isn't even military or a colonist, and she's a greedy, dastardly woman. There's some other examples, but those were the ones I could think of, off the top of my head. I know Kimball's a dike, but he's a "leader."

So, the Legion - What makes them better than House? Not what makes them better than the NCR.
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:14 am

Some good points here: The Legion is made up of sixist, backwards, savages. They promote cannibalism, technological regression, and the opression of women, and demonize enlightenment. This is basically the opposite of what imagines of the Romans, who allowed women to own property, were far more civilized than their neighbors (no cannibalism), were technologically advanced, and hired the most intelligent folks, Greeks, to teach their children. What's up with that? Justify it, Legionaires!

The Legion is only sixist until they get their Rome. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Besides, if many, both men and women, endure for 4 years and then are set freed as workers rather than slaves in a civilized environment, is it really that bad? Savages because they have no true home. The East is simply inadequate for Caesar.

Never promoted cannibalism.

They forgo technology because of a simple reason. It makes their soldiers and citizens weaker. Technology makes life luxurious and simple and for a war tribe fighting for a New Rome, that's not good. There's an old Korean proverb. "If your stomach is full and your body is warm, your mind wanders and your body deteriorates." The same proverb is spoken through North Korea...although taken way too far.

They oppress women because slave labor is needed in a tribe as a system of the working class hasn't been developed as it's still a tribe with no Rome. Not to mention men to fight. When they have a perfect system of workers in place, which would be a few years after a Legion victory at Hoover Dam, they'd have women as(almost) equal class citizens.

They don't demonize enlightenment. They demonize the idea of finding out that Caesar isn't really Son of Mars. Is it really that necessary to find out something as trivial as that if everything else improves? So many people are always like this. They see a dictator and care more about that one fault than the trillion good things he had done.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:20 pm

Mister House is the Neutral Option and has a lot of cool bits after you talk to him about missions.

So, go with him.

It goes for me, Yes Man, NCR, Mister House > >> >> > > > > > Legion.
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:00 am

I really enjoy how hard it is for people to defend the Legion in discussions like these. The NCR fans put up a much better fight. :spotted owl:
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Post » Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:48 pm

I don't see why the Legion has to be defended.

Blow up Megaton, destroy the Capital Wasteland, become a Courier, join the Legion.


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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:59 am

I don't see why the Legion has to be defended.

Blow up Megaton, destroy the Capital Wasteland, become a Courier, join the Legion.


Oh yes, I have done some Legion playthroughs with a psycho Courier, storming into Camp McCarran with a Rebar Club. Great fun. I can however, in no way imagine the Wasteland or Vegas being better off with the Legion in control. It's pretty hard to defend the ethics of Caesar and his Legion.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:45 pm

Well even if Legion's been treating you like a degenerate I gotta say that after finding the chip an emissary of the Legion comes and asks for my presence at Caesar.
Caesar wants to see... Me?
Like, he's the one in charge of the Legion, a massive war machine, and he wants to see me specifically?
Doesn't that make you at least a little bit curious as to why?

That should be a good reason for your character to want to see at least what Caesar wants.
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:41 am

Oh yes, I have done some Legion playthroughs with a psycho Courier, storming into Camp McCarran with a Rebar Club. Great fun. I can however, in no way imagine the Wasteland or Vegas being better off with the Legion in control. It's pretty hard to defend the ethics of Caesar and his Legion.

Yeah, in your opinion.
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:01 am

Kill House. Side with the Legion.
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:17 am

Well even if Legion's been treating you like a degenerate I gotta say that after finding the chip an emissary of the Legion comes and asks for my presence at Caesar.
Caesar wants to see... Me?
Like, he's the one in charge of the Legion, a massive war machine, and he wants to see me specifically?
Doesn't that make you at least a little bit curious as to why?

That should be a good reason for your character to want to see at least what Caesar wants.

House beats Caesar to the punch in the 'Very powerful figure wants to see you, and this is an honor normally never granted' category :whisper:

To the thread in general: I just finished my Legion playthrough, only took 2 days since I rushed through it. I still have no love for the Legion, but it did enlighten me, and it confirmed my 'without the Courier, Caesar will die' suspicion. But it did teach me a little about the way they think, but all in all, I did get the impression they were just being misled on Caesars string.

Oh, and apparently NCR is 4 states as well, so NCR and Legion are tied in landmass control roughly. (Caesar states this)
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Post » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:25 pm

Hmm, what was it like when America ruled America? The Great War. That's what.

No thats not what. America ruled america just fine thats what happens when your fully dependent on oil. Its gonna get the better of you.

Look at how Mr.house, NCR, and yes man greet you...with open arms. Ceasers legion is like screw this Profligate hes worthless because he isnt in the Legion. The ambassador greets you kindly and warmly, Mr. House thinks your VERY useful to his successes, and yes man just agrees to what ever you say...
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:17 pm

Look at how Mr.house, NCR, and yes man greet you...with open arms. Ceasers legion is like screw this Profligate hes worthless because he isnt in the Legion. The ambassador greets you kindly and warmly, Mr. House thinks your VERY useful to his successes, and yes man just agrees to what ever you say...

To be fair, you have to understand, NCR and Mr. House are under Pre-War civilities. Caesars Legion is a society founded on nothing but the sole principle of 'Might is Right'. You may have chased down some fancy suit wearing big shot, but in the eyes of men who have killed power armored BoS troops with nothing but a machete, that's small time.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:27 am

To be fair, you have to understand, NCR and Mr. House are under Pre-War civilities. Caesars Legion is a society founded on nothing but the sole principle of 'Might is Right'. You may have chased down some fancy suit wearing big shot, but in the eyes of men who have killed power armored BoS troops with nothing but a machete, that's small time.

Yah its small time but still it says something. You go to great lengths to kill Benny and you do just that. He shot you in the head and you survived...more than i can say for centurions. I don't see how they kill BOS troops but ok. It seems highly unbelievable that they can do that. NCR and Mr.house are under Pre war civilities and they should join together to be a unstoppable force.
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