Anyway, I've beaten the game once, working for Mr. House, but that was purely gaming and not roleplaying. I've now created a new character and I want to really Role-Play. I'm focusing on Unarmed, Survival, Barter, and Speech, carrying a realistic amount of gear (including trash like a harmonica, a pack of cigarettes, a large whiskey bottle, a shot-glass, etc.), and in playing Hard-Core mode. My idea is that most normal folks would have little formal weapons training. I grabbed Love&Hate and have been beating mutants into submission for daring to interrupt my package recovery and delivery.
However, I've hit a dilemna. I'm unsure what path I want to follow: Joining The Legion and putting my brawling to good use, or following the path that appears to make more sense and working for the House, oncemore. The Legion has done little to endear themselves to my character, at all, now that I've reached Vegas. And I see no reason why the Courier would join the Legion if they constantly treat him like crap. However, I've already played with House and I think the Legion might be interesting.
I come here to open the floor to you lot, and ask for convincing arguements to bet on The House or the Legion (hence the title). And before any of you start: I don't think I want to join the NCR or Yes-Man. The NCR have just come off as lazy, vice-filled, and greedy (save for First Recon snipers) and I'd rather be The Dragon to a Big Bad (for the TvTropes fans out there) than rule Vegas myself, hence why I'm not joining Yes-Man.
P.S. Can I have Victor throw Oliver off the Dam, as I'm not following Yes-Man? I never tried to see if I could do that on my original play-through.