I think that people that rush through the MQ of this game like they would a God of War game would definately think that. But in this game (and other TES games) it's the other stuff that makes the world alive and real and just a lot of fun to discover and explore. The fact that I can spend days just hunting deer for hides. Lovin it.
It's hard not to "rush" through the factions. I don't think anyone expected them to be six quests long. I even tried to make a new character after hearing claims that "there's six STORY based quests but a ton more dynamic ones you could be doing, you just rushed the story ones." Nope. Made an effort to stay away from the story-based quests, but after I do one dynamic quest, everybody yells at me to go see Person A, forcing me to continue with the story ASAP.
Definitely didn't rush the main quest either. If you call completing the Companions, half the Thieves' guild, the Stormcloaks, finding and fighting Krosis and exploring enough locations to unlock the Explorer achievement "rushing it" then I dunno what to tell you.
Then you sir, have not played the same game that so many others of us have.
Im an extreme critique in those aspects. And im completely blown away.
But if you only focus on the main story, maybe go to the college and do that, then you miss around 99% of the other quests, stories and things out there.
That said, the greybeards behavioiur and voices are amazing.
How can you say this?
What are you comparing too? A film?
Cause there is no known game out there, known to man, and I have played almost them all thats worth playing, that is better then Skyrim in this departement.
Unless you believe that text based games fall into that. They dont.
"I'm Nils. I'm the cook down at the Candlehearth hall."
"I work for Belethor at the general goods store."
"Considered being a mercenary? Could be just the work for you."
I don't see what story there is aside from quests, factions and the main quests. I've completed so many quests now that turned out to be fetch quests with just a "oh thanks" as a reward and no further story.
And I'm comparing it to Fallout New Vegas. (inb4 "patrolling the mojave") That's a game with complex factions and realistic relationships with each other, not to mention dynamic reactions to how the player handles a situation or completes a quest. That's a game where the guy who says "I really hate that other faction" is gonna threaten to leave me as a companion if I actually assist the other faction. He'll notice and confront me. Where if I actually go and attempt to assassinate the opposing faction's leader, the faction declares me a terrorist and shoots at me on sight, instead of me finding out the target NPC is essential before leaving awkwardly. That's a game where the story is actually thought-provoking. And Dead Money probably has to be the most well-written DLC that's ever been published. Here the NPCs feel so...artificial. Someone will tell me he was a great warrior before taking an arrow to the knee, but provides no evidence of this. Nor can I have a talk with him. I can't ask him about his war story. That one line of dialog was it. It's really hard to take him seriously when he doesn't even have a story or any quest involvement. That goes for a very nice % of the named NPCs, and as I've already stated, I find the faction quests and main quest utterly disappointing.
I complain because I miss all that. This game can't even hold a candle to New Vegas, storywise. I'd love if it COULD, but until it does, then might as well voice my disappointment in hopes that they'll improve for TES VI.