Here's what I'm planning:
07:30: Wake up, go to kitchen, put kettle on, make two cups of tea for me and my wife, feed my two little Kajiit cubs and have a shower.
08:25 Open my safe, get my pre-order receipt from GAME, the £20 gift voucher I got from my mother-in-law on my last Birthday (she's cool beyond belief) and stuff 'em in my wallet.
08:30 Leave my flat, jump in my car and make my way to the shopping centre, prepare for serious road rage towards bus drivers, taxi drivers and elderly drivers in Austin Allegros.
08:50 Park up and head straight for the Game Store, push my way through the crowd of WAG wannabe's, hoodies on shoplifting sprees and elderly shoppers with shopping trolleys en route. Swear at any of those consumer surveyers who try to stop you to do a survey that takes half an hour instead of the two minutes they promised.
09:00 GAME opens, rush in, grab my copy and take it to the counter, pay for it and GTFO!
09:05, pay for my parking ticket, get back to my car, negotiate the Croydon one way system, keep the road rage pumping and get home ASAP!
09:25, Get home, hopefully the Kajiit cubs and the wife will still be in bed, put the kettle on and make more tea (important to keep her happy)
09:35 put the Xbox on and insert that magic disc. Hit 'A' and lose myself for several days...
Just over two hours, hopefully.
Anyone else planned their 11-11-11?