I laughed out loud at this when I first saw it- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vcx6UbMCtfI
But really, it's just a Bethesda game thing, isn't it? Doesn't really matter if it's Elder Scrolls or Fallout, I'm guilty. Guilty as sin.
I laughed out loud at this when I first saw it- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vcx6UbMCtfI
But really, it's just a Bethesda game thing, isn't it? Doesn't really matter if it's Elder Scrolls or Fallout, I'm guilty. Guilty as sin.
Also guilty. A metric [censored]ton of stuff I never used. But maybe one day I'll...
I love how the first 20 hours of my time is spent "not wasting" things until I have a massive hoard of stimpacks, chems, ammo, stealth boys you name it all for when I'll really need them later but when later comes I'm an absolute badass and don't need any of it!
Really need to alter my play style so I'm using helpful things early on when I can get some use out of them and maybe I won't end up with 350 stimpacks, 450 rad-x and 200 Radaway
LOL, yes, it was awesome and not that I expected
I think I still has some of the Fallout 3 collecting weapon instinct in me but in Fallout 4 spare weapons are just good to arm setlers.
Yeah not at all what I was thinking, though I think I need that "Lydia" to come carry my burden, just saying
LOL awesome video! I'm also guilty of hoarding in every Bethesda game! You never know when some Iron Ore or Alarm Clocks come in handy! (or containers full of various armor pieces and weapons... hey, I need to outfit my next provisioner and/or companion)
And why do I always carry around 100's of potions or food, which I hardly ever use? *sigh*
I so miss my Bottle house and displays from Morrowind!!
hopefully soon...
and hopefully with a entire town full of junk just like the game!
can you imagine that?
i imagine it like them going to santuary and finding what is effectively a landfill.
"is, is that hill made out of tin cans?"
"hey! tin cans are made of steel!"
"what is wrong with you? what on earth can you possibly make with tin cans?"
*cut to starlight city*
"holy crap."
hilarious video xD
oh yea and chalk me up to the 'hoard board' too
Since I rarely need caps to buy anything (so far, anyway), and usually find enough in caps stashes to satisfy any minor needs, I am a horrible hoarder. Not just of junk, either, at least I can justify that and it all gets broken down into useful pieces. In my Red Rocket home base, have a dresser full of probably nearly 100 outfits, hats, armor pieces and sets, etc. And a footlocker full of nearly as many different types of weapons and weapon mods. Which I will probably never need, and should just sell or scrap...but it is faster and easier to just dump them in a container. And worry about them later. Maybe someday I will take a break from questing to do more settlement building in FO4: Minecraft edition, and eventually decide to recruit more people to settlements who will need this stuff. I'm sure it will come in handy later. Or so I tell myself.
Yep, total hoarder.