I find this an amusing observation because could you not say the same of today's society? Just a thought.
I have a depressing feeling we're going to find out if the perma-frost melts enough and the earth's frozen tundra starts to rot. Methane gas is a more effective greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. It won't be nuclear war, but it might really svck. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's going to make the "War on Terror" look like a quaint and silly distraction.
It may not happen, but if it does, and things turn out as bad as some people think, we'll get to look back at the early 21st century and shake our heads. The main group arguing, lobbying, & spending so hard against trying to do anything about it is business. They are trying SO HARD, and spending billions, and so far they've been successful in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence: very little of substance has improved.
So we'll see, won't we. In another 30 or 40 years, we can get back together on the Fallout23 Forums and discuss corporate crime and Early Century Postmodern hubris. :foodndrink:
(Okay it's funnier in the game, I guess.)