When is this game going to be fixed?!!

Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:41 am

There are so many bugs and glitches I don't know where to start, why haven't they been solved yet.
Is Crytek that lazy?

And why is the damn bullet magnetism so high in this game, I saw kill cams where people shot nowhere near me and still got the damn kill.
Or how about the OP loadouts?

I hope Crysis 3's MP is going to be better because C2's MP is garbage.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:07 am

Well, the Crysis 2 Multiplayer is difficult for beginners. And no Crytek won't fix anything, you have to live with that or play another game. But i would try it when you're used to the game it makes much fun!

The killcam is bugged you can shoot there trough walls and stuff like that.

Try to visit SDub's Channel, he gives you much and good tips for the game!

Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/sdubist

Good luck!
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:05 am

I have already played against him.
The problem isn't I am bad the problem is all the BS deads I have to go on with.
Like I switch from stealth to armor, start firing and my Energy drops from 70 to 0 even tough I am in armor, is the game that slow to realize I just went into Armor?
Or how about the times a grenade is 9m away I am in armor mode with 80 energy left, not a single bullet has hit me since spawn and still the grenade kills me, while at some points I can survive it at 6m away in an open area while using power.

Also why do you think so many weapons are banned? Hell I have had games where a guy used an infinite ammo hack with ltag.
Biggest problem is that a voting system has to take care of it if it is present in the first place.

Then comes times where kill times seem messed up or hitboxes look broken, it is apparently way more effective to spray and pray into the body then going for the head and clearly it matters who you're shooting at since guy1 dies in 10 seconds when guy2 who is closer doesn't die after 20 seconds, and I have had the award of most accurate in some of such games, so it doesn't involve my aiming.
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Post » Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:15 pm

Never start playing with Scar + Laser! That is the most banned weapon in the game. You have no recoil and you move to fast from left to right. It's an OP weapon, thats why it's banned. And the L-Tag is banned because it's annoying and you get FPS dips when these things are exploding near glass.

Try to use Amor Enhance or Detonation Delay, these are the best for Amore Modules.

Were your killcams like that? When yes, then it's normal. :D

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Michelle davies
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:32 am

Yep looks close.
Btw I know Scar and Laser where banned.
My main loadout is :
M12 Nova
-Armor enchance (increases ridiculous slow, had some games I killed lots of guys in armor with the loadout but afterwards it didn't increase)
-Steal enchance V3
-rapid fire V3

used to be a scar with reflex on it, and still had ridicolous times the other guy using the same gun killed me even when he fired afterwards and standing still while I was moving left to right.
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:19 pm

While there are tons of bugs in C2, I would argue that none of them are game-breaking. With the exception of scar laser and FY71, most guns are balanced. Sure, some are annoying, like the Jackal or L-Tag... but most bans stem from irritation, not practicality (not going to name the server that banned shotguns lol)

Make sure you're playing on servers in your region, too... as it will cut down on BS deaths considerably. ALso, as Ultimate pointed out, the killcam is horribly bugged. Never trust it. NEVER.

If you want a bit of tactical/loadout advice, i would advise you look at Sdub's and WS's videos (youtube.com/user/sdubist or WaRSPiRiTUK, respectively)

Finally, Crytek/EA are done patching this game (as far as we know)
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:05 pm

one word: NEVER :)
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:37 am

This game is great. Patience I say.
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