when i press shift to sprint while in the workshop crafting mode, my character just stops. does anyone know a fix?
when i press shift to sprint while in the workshop crafting mode, my character just stops. does anyone know a fix?
i also have it on ps4 and you can sprint during the workshop crafting mode.
so yes you are. it seems to me that its just a bug on pc.
I actually never tried to sprint in the workshop, and also why would I do that, well also mostly my constructions are way vertical so no much to sprint for.
It should stop you! You shouldn't be running with sharp objects. And it's bad for your back with heavy ones.
id rather rush while carrying the chemistry station over to my house in sanctuary than stagger under its weight, though
Because the cinema complex is pretty darn wide, so is Sanctuary for that matter, and you may want to move from one side to the other without just walking over there. You know: time efficiency.
You must have some sort of strength score if you think you should be able to run while carrying what is obviously a couple of hundred pounds.
It'll take you about a minute to walk it over. Is that really that long to wait?
BTW: Who's friggin idea was to put the chem station all the way over there? Why? Everything else is at the house already.
Because that way you can cook your chems without everybody else judging you.
yeah its hiding behind a house. it actually took me over 40 hours playtime to notice it