Hiya RickerHK and thanks for replying
Using duplicate plugins - one esm and the other esp, gives you duplicate items because the mod index for the plugins is different, so really they are different items - two different mods adding the same items - as far as the game is concerned.
Hmm, I can see your point and to some extent I'd agree with you. This "duplicity" only applied to the containers, lockers and otherwise changes to the interior that I introduced. My two first .esm/.esp attempt only contained the altered navmesh to see if this solved the navmesh and the companions not following issues. Which it did. All of the original lockers, the office door and similar were all in the correct amount. Seeing as I had some level of success, I figured I could make some alterations and perhaps make this into a complete mod. Not just a small office for my RTS New Wave mod. So I went ahead and altered both the exterior and the interior. I turned the building around 180, added sandbags and some uplink antennas on the roof. For the interior I added consoles, cots from the Anchorage DLC, chairs, and a mainframe for show. I went over the navmesh and made sure green triangles was at the proper spot by the doormarkers. Tested the transition in GECK aswell as ingame. It all worked. So I made a copy of my .esp and made it into an .esm to get the navmesh working properly aswell, but it also added duplicate containers and doors aswell :\
Hank's interior is added by Broken Steel, which is fine. When you load up your mod in FO3Edit, the Broken Steel esm loads up with it, right? You should be able to make all your changes to the interior as an esp. Now if you have modified the existing interior navmesh in any way, or added/removed a portal door or the ladder, make sure you have finalized it. Same with the exterior navemesh -IF- you changed it - though you shouldn't need to edit that - but check with FO3Edit to make sure there are no dirty edits on the external navmesh. Then convert your plugin to an esm with FO3EDIT - NOT tessnip. You want to make sure the ONAM records update properly.
Well... once I got started I kinda rolled with the flow

But I could perhaps wait with the major interior/exterior alterations until I'm content with all my navmeshing and minor changes.
Edit - I guess the teleportation issues with that cell are a known bug: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Hank%27s_Electrical_Supply
That explains a bit. Thanks for making this info available and thanks again for the heads-up. I'll redo my mod from scratch and try to do this in the proper order. Seems I'm forced to use some sort of .esm for all my navmeshing to work and leave everything else in the .esp to remove the duplicity issue. So much for a small, simple mod