I just added this mod , Right of the bat 3 vamps attack the town and just about the entire poulation of the town joined in to kill , well after the battle was over I found myself fighting what was left of the town folk I did't kill and all the guards " RELOAD" Just a bit CONFUSED ! on what this mod was suposed to do ! I don't want to sound like a JERK about Mods 4 real ! but I'm getting a bit reluctant to add anymore , and I don't have but maybe 20 , It's just that everytime I add a mod I have to add 1 to 20 patches with it ! So I was thinking it might be a great idea to have a Mod company and a real big computer , Everone puts in their mod and the computer just blows up or it says Congraulations !! NO CONFLICTS ! I know many hours go into making mods and I'm gratfull for all of them , I just don't understand why they all don't get togather on the overall plan and program ! Okay I don't have any idea on mod making I build Computers to play Awesome Games , and thats where I get real upset ! crashing a $2000 dollar computer to many times because of software problems Will in the long run cost you more $$ , Okay I'm done pitchin a snitch ! Hope I did't tic anyone off I just get a bet bent when it comes to Hardware abuse .. Take care have fun and I hope we all crash no more !