Just want to know when will see the fan interview.
I heard we would receive it this week. Or are they waiting for the Saturday weekend? Anyone have any concrete info on when they have finished answering the chosen questions and posted them?
Pete Hines - "Folks, I can't give an estimate on Skyrim fan interview. As soon as they can. They're also trying to get ready for E3 and finish a game."
I hope its after E3 so we have something to tide us over until release.
Quakecon's in August. Only 2 months after E3 and 3 months before release. It's positioned quite nice and I actually think we'll get more from Quakecon then E3.
Just want to know when will see the fan interview.
I heard we would receive it this week. Or are they waiting for the Saturday weekend? Anyone have any concrete info on when they have finished answering the chosen questions and posted them?
Not gonna lie, I saw a couple "Are dragons confirmed?".
I DONT BELIEVE YOU! I mean I DO believe you... But... I DONT BELIEVE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING!!! They must have been kidding... They must have. :sadvaultboy:
i think they should stop interviewing.....i mean dont get me wrong, i love the interviews..every one of them, even if they just re-state something i already knew, but these are busy people....they should leave them alone to work!! :celebration:
There are an equal amount of good questions as well.
Yeah. Unfortunately, I have a feeling they're going to answer only the most PR-Friendly ones. Which generally means "DO DRAGINS BREETH FIRE!" "DO DRAGINS FLY." "DO DRAGINS HAVE DRAGIN SKIN?????????????????????????????????????????????"
I think they were just mocking some of the terrible interviewers we've seen who asked the very same question....Atleast I hope.
Like Pete said, they're trying to get ready for E3 and finish a game.
That does put things into perspective.As much as I want answers,I would rather them spend as much time possible working on the game. Maybe they could answer one question a day? I think that would suffice.