Beta 1.14 was quite awhile ago, that′s when an user digged out the data from the files, so I would guess they have it ready about now, at least to know if it′s next week or next month... That′s the thing about Bethesda, and plenty are joking about it, that "soon" means a long time from now in Bethesda terms
They could do better, that′s my point... They don′t need to spit out release dates willy-nilly just to push them, but they do need to inform about it rather than letting user guess and dig the data-files... I want Bethesda to deliver these informations since I always suspect users to lie anyway. Besides, having to actually live and work... It′s quite nice to be able to plan just a bit ahead... Like suggesting GF to go visit her parents since "it′s a long time since last" 
However the argument that some may rage over release getting pushed back a few times (have confidence at bethesda only doing it a few) is mute, since there is already raging on the lack of information... I at least suggest to treat the more moderates with some decency, herein actually giving the information we require to plan our play-time... And to drool over contents that we′re getting... Yes some will rage, there will always be ragers and haters... But why punish those many, many users who can understand it and just want a little more than "soon"... As said... Some do rage, and this is not the only post asking about a date anyway 
Nah... Had hoped Paradox had released it′s DLC by now so I could ease my pain with some EU4... So i′m currently in between titles atm
but at least with Paradox I know they announce the date before instead of after they release 
This is free stuff that should have been in the game all along, and used to a company that provides free stuff with every DLC and has it along with it every time... This is a wasteland-apocalypse game... How can it be shipped without any survival elements? I get that you could be allowed to toggle it off... But come on... Dark souls have proven that gamers loves to punish themselves by hitting their head against the wall a couple of times