I've been thinking of doing the same actually. Any reason in particular for you?
For me it's because I would kind of like to be able to read through plenty of user reviews and be able to "go in" prepared. I was WAY over-hyped for Oblivion, and bought it on release day, and it caused me to be very let down. I don't want that happening again.
Mods. I want there to be a good selection of mods for me to choose from once I am ready to play the game. I always do a quick vanilla main quest run through which won't take more than 2-3 days, then I start adding mods. For my real playthrough.
Also I like to wait for the the first major patch(release day patch not counted).
I check out info on the gameplay so I know were to set my expectation level myself. I hope after E3 I wil have gotten all the rest of the info I want, but Beth is being very careful with SR information.