» Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:33 pm
Fallout 3 should take place in an other studio than Bethesda. Oh, for the states, New-York should be cool because of the presence of water , big building, huge map, an other style of conversing with NPC, better animation than the 3 , more in depht character, a more chaotic feeling like old 80 science fiction movies with bizar character, scariest creatures, radiation as being a huger threat, the need to eat ( It's part of survival), less annoying character ( Moyra Brown), BoS as they are suposed to be and the option to join them, more humor. CUSTOMISATION FOR GOD SAKE : the heignt , tall, small, old, young, beard, bald, his history. No crazyes who worship a bomb and radiation, AGAIN, BETTER ANIMATION. Oh, and texture, because the third have bad ones, no fire ants and crazy things like that.
This is my perfect fallout 4 not made by bethesda ( I have nothing agains't bethesda, It,s just that they just want to make money and don't care about fallout fans.