Useful info, though it is disappointing to see talk of 'souls' and desires to be 'gods' coming from a race that purportedly values science, reason and logic. It cannot even be about achieving enlightenment, since without a brain, there can be no understanding of anything .... just sayin'

Except that in the TES universe, souls, ancient spirit beings percieved as gods, and higher planes of existence not only exist, but are fully verifiable, studiable and
manipulable through science. In the same way we understand electromagnetism scientifically and use it to do our bidding, the dwarves understanding of the world beyond and spirits gave them the tools to create amazing technologies
using the scientific method.Unfortunately they eventually made something - the Numidium - which ultimately un-made their entire race; they erased their race from the timeline.
Science is not the rejection of/non-existance of "gods" or "souls"; that'd be Atheism. The scientific process is the process of studying and refining knowledge, and in a scenario where souls and the divine not only exist, but are subject to study and anolysis then they too become part of the scientific process. 9It just so happens that in our world atheism is synonymous with science because there has never been any verifiable evidence supporting the existance of any kind of soul or gods)