Would any of those vehemently opposed to NPC children being in Skyrim perhaps explain why, then, they approve of non-hostile, non-quest-giving NPC advlts being in the game? Are they seen to somehow serve different purposes in an RPG setting?
(More as a matter of curiosity; I'm aware of some of the social and psychological factors related to strong opinions on the subject, and don't intent to criticise or attempt to change them.)
I'm oposed to having children in the game for one simple reason, gameplay. I don't mind the quest giving or the dialoge, or the fact that they're even in the game but my biggest concern is gameplay. If I want to rest in the village after I slaughtered it I shouldn't have to leave the village to rest somewhere because it says that enemies are nearby and it's children who I can't well???
Another problem is if they're essential then what happens with the AI programming are they going to have any combat commands like if I murder their parents are they going to pick up a sword and start attacking me and I can't kill them because they're essential and for other reasons. Lastly what happens if your running away from a monster say a snow troll and you enter a village and the troll follows you and sees a kid. How is it realistic that the kid wouldn't be killed by the snow troll.
That's my biggest problem with adding children into an open world game like Skyrim. The Gameplay isn't realistic at all. It may add more of a dimension to gameplay and storytelling but how is it realistic if a snow troll can't kill a child because people would be offended by that type of stuff in a video game even though stuff like Grand Theft auto is worse way worse when you have to kill police officers, etc. The simple thing to do would be to not have children in the game at all avoiding any type of controversey. The GI article kinda confirms that children are in the game which isn't a big deal for me. I just hope that Bethesda does it right gameplay wise in a way that it's realistic gamewise but not in a way that it ruins the game experience.