So I was wathing how the gen 3 Synths were made when something has occured to me that have been bugging me since. If this is Really how the synths are being made, then the numbers of them In the institute does not add up.
The whole thing is just really fast. It takes 2.5 minute to make a Synth from scrap. And thanks to parallel processing only 80 seconds passes beetween two raw synth arising from the pool of blood to be processed.
Whit that rate, the Institute could make 360 Synths in an eight hour working day. Repeat: 360 Synths. Every. Day. If their year has the sam amount of work days as ours, about 250 (253 in 2016, i have rounded it down) then that would mean they could ideally produce NINETY THOUSAND synths each year. That a mindboggingly large number of synthetic humans. And theyre nowhere to be found. Just where are they? I think this is either an oversight, or there's a dark secret at the end of the dark tunnel to "Processing". Or maybe I just missed a detail. Any idea or theory about the whereabouts of these Synths? (Maybe the timescale is the answer, but I think it doesn't affect the things we observe in the game besides the movement of the Sun, the Moon, and the stars.)