Please do not link to that PES download. That is such an old package and its not my ATP 2.0...
And for information wise, I took off all of my work from Nexus. It was nothing but old and out-dated work. I just got tired of the constant troll comments about DT and QTP3 and the download counts have long ceased. Im working on trying to get them back up on my personal page though...but no promises. Until then, they are all gone. Sorry for any mishap.
Sorry for the misdirection there! I didn't realise, or I wouldn't have posted that link.
As I said, just getting back into Oblivion after (what seems like) quite a break. Much is coming back, but I've got a lot to catch up on.
I would love to be able to use all your ATP 2.0 mods, if possible, for my next install (happening soon.) I'll be watching for updates, wherever they may be found. Right here, for example?

edit: Oh, and I removed the offending link.