So where are the lights?
I was walking around adequately textured hallways, deep within the bowls of a pre-war soda factory, and aside from the radioactive goop, there were no visible means of light. The hallways, were extremely well lit, but contained no light fixtures. There were a few broken windows, but the substantial hallway sections contained no light objects.
While I openly admit that my experience may have been an aberration, and that other areas of the game may contain context-based lighting, this is a serious gaff. It didn't 'ruin the game for me' but it did sing loudly to my ears that someone was asleep at the switch.
This is level design 101; you do not place area light in places with no visible sources of light.
I am looking forward to grabbing a copy of this game for myself, and exploring the rest of the world, but I was disheartened to see such an easily corrected error slip through.