Rodrigo had to travel to Chorrol, he's working on a project with Alberic. He ventured forth from Bruma (my mage must take advanced studies with each guild hall) and traveled that beautiful road. I think the Orange Road is the prettiest travel in all the land. So you know how if you're going to Chorrol from Bruma, the slope on the south side of the road is pretty dramatic. And one more preface, normally when traveling this road, I only have one hostile encounter. One. Perhaps that adds to the perception, I can stop and smell the roses without worrying about things wanting to eat me.
Except this time there were brown bears everywhere. It was so funny that I actually had tears in my eyes, or perhaps it was all the Guinness Stout last night.

He would immobilize the bear, then selecting the FIreball spell, instead of aiming at the bear, would aim right next to it (aim, thinking about the spell "pushing" forward or to the side. If you want the bear to go left, fire right.... etc. ) and launch that bad boy off the cliff, about a 100 feet in the air, and down the mountain, tumbling the whole time. If they survived the fall, and most didn't, they would be so far away that my battle music goes away. Good times.

Frost AOE doesn't work like this, and if you use a shock AOE, they do this writhing, "i'm being zapped", dead body dance in place. Needless to say, I reloaded my save from just outside the Bruma town entrance, and replayed the bears.