Oh, put them up!! The made-up parts are always my favorite.

Here's one I am
currently working on:
Moisture glistened on the slime-smeared walls of the tunnel, all around her was the constant drip, drip, drip of water, beneath her armoured boots the ancient flagstones were slippery, worn smooth centuries past by uncountable feet.
She had grown used to the smell of her surroundings by now, the rank odour of mould and decay, amplified by the still air and enclosed space. She smiled wryly to herself as she crept along keeping just touching the right hand wall of the tunnel with her arm, at least that idiot Argonian "Sleeps-In_The_[censored]" or whatever the hell he called himself wouldn't be able to scent her, in all this fustiness.
It had been something close to a week now since she had been able to bathe properly and some parts of her were pretty fragrant and that was not including her armour which light as it was felt pretty much bound to her body; The only good points being that it left plenty of room for her skin, it's usual paleness partially hidden beneath a gray film of sweat and dirt, to breathe and the fact that it was well-worn which at least meant that it didn't chafe, although she had a nasty feeling that her nethers were likely to end up looking more like those of a cheap Bravil Skooma-[censored] if she didn't get out of this damp and mildew soon.
One more reason to fix the lizard...
Making a face, she pushed onwards into the reek and gloom. The tunnel was very faintly lit by a source from ahead of her as well as irregular patches of luminescent fungi that grew from the walls and the ceiling. Presently a change in the air told her that she was approaching at least an opening in the tunnel, and sure enough after a couple more minutes of feeling her way along the wall resistance under her hand ceased and she felt fresher air against the exposed parts of her body.
Backing up a little she she flattened herself against the wall and peered round the corner, she still couldn't see anything much but she had the definite sense that the space beyond the opening was larger for sure than the tunnel, albeit after a short passageway, she could hear louder echoes of water dripping and other sounds as the dwellers in that dark place went about their business. She stood still and listened, straining against the ambient sounds of the ruins for any sense of her quarry. She knew that he woud be difficult to hear, she had been tracking him for the last few days since getting the nod from that Bosmer, Maenlorn, in Anvil that the Argonian had made landfall there.
Maenlorn had been a good source of information for her over the past few months, largely because he appeared to think that the more he helped her the more likely he was to get something in return. Niamh knew exactly what that something was and also knew very well that it was not in any way something that he was going to get. She did not find Bosmers remotely attractive as a rule and she particularly didn't like anyone regardless of their race or species who was so desperate that he practically panted and dribbled like a dockside cur whenever she so much as looked at him.
Didn't mean she wasn't going to use him though, the fact that he would never get the payoff was something she intended to keep to herself, all the while he was providing her with what she needed. Occasionally, just to wind him up further she would rent a bed in inn all the while making it quite clear that the elven dagger she slept with under her pillow was more than capable of removing his cods almost without him noticing and that she herself was very willing to do so, should he try anything on without her say-so - (which he would never get).
The Argonian was a wily one certainly, and whilst she was reasonably sure he didn't know she was there she was also by now well aquainted with the fact that he was obviously naturally cautious, suspicious, and possessed of a stealth which more than likely matched hers, and that being the case a degree of circumspection was very difinitely called for, particularly in the turgid gloom of this ruined fort.