Where are you now? #6

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:25 am

Wanna give a shout out to Decrepit! Thanks for your service on the roads. I mention this because I was traveling from the IC to Skingrad along the road, to pick up a potion from Sinderion. I met one person on the journey: an Imperial Legion soldier, sans horse. I met him in Weye. Behind him, along the road, the swath of destruction was pretty impressive. Eight dead wolf bodies, four dead imps, three dead bandits. :foodndrink:
I will pass along the compliment, though in this particular case I believe it to be misplaced. The devastation you saw was likely not the work of my decrepit avatar but some other patrolling legionnaire. What's more, my avatar may well have seen this same legionnaire not long afterwards.

As reported in my previous thread entry, my avatar had collected various assignments in the Captiol and was about to return to Weye and gather the crew before hitting the road to Anvil. He indeed did so. Upon entered his manse in Weye he was taken aback to find a lone legionnaire standing in the foyer. During his entire period of ownership the legion has never before visited my avatar's home, though fellow troopers are of course always welcome. In any case the legionnaire greeted him warmly as a comrade in arms, then departed. Other than the uniqueness of it all my avatar gave little thought to the encounter. But I now wonder if the fellow we saw was your legionnaire, paused to rest and refresh himself following a series of grueling encounters. Admittedly we later saw only a few corpses in the vicinity, but locals may well have policed the area before our arrival.

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Jaki Birch
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:10 pm

Evening Star 4 - 1930 - Niamh and V arrive at Pale Pass as part of their search for the Madstone.
It's freezing and Niamh is rather thinking that if the end result is not worth it then a certain acquisitive countess is going to end up with the damn thing put somewhere very uncomfortable indeed...
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laila hassan
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:13 pm

Picking up from where we left off last report...

...my avatar left the Imperial City via Talos District Gate, crossed Talos Bridge, and entered his Weye domicile. Much to his surprise a lone legionnaire stood in the foyer, as had never occurred before. The trooper greeted my avatar as a comrade-in-arms, then departed. My avatar gathered Vilja and Wolfgang, exited the manse, untethered Groucho, mounted Arrowspeed, and began the first leg of their trek to Anvil.

Twas a glorious day for travel. The weather was perfect and would remain so for the duration. Crystal clear deep blue skies. Unfiltered sunshine. Calm winds. Birds chirping. Ears ringing. Outlaws and wandering beasts succumbing the authority of the Empire. Profit earning mercantile deliveries. Plentiful spoils. Good company. What more could a fellow ask for?

Hostile encounters were numerous and rewarding. My avatar was right pleased with his bow work during the patrol. He brought down a number of beasts at far range, often moving targets. Not bad for someone who doesn't consider himself much of a marksman. Melee combat went just as well, my avatar and Vilja displaying an unusual degree of collaboration. Not that they're terribly bad at it even during the worst of scenarios. But this was over and above the norm. Not "most immersive moment" quality, but I've seen worse.

My avatar got to ply his newly acquired skills as journeyman armourer on a surprising number of occasions. Off the top of my head I can recall at least four guardsmen in desperate need of repairs, along with one traveling Fighters Guild member. Since taking up the trade, my avatar has been surprised at the number of wilderness guards who have lost their weapons in the line of duty. Alas, he had nothing to give them this patrol save ebony daggers taken off downed foes. In the future he'll need to stash a few looted longswords and/or other heavy weaponry on Groucho for that purpose. (He doesn't normally collect larger weapons for resale, their value-to-weight ratio being poor, most enchanted weapons included. Daedric, Ebony and Glass daggers are the ticket!)

As to travel particulars, it was same-old same-old. You've heard it all before. Weye to Red Ring. Red Ring to Gold. Gold to Skingrad. Package deliveries in Skingrad. Anvil deliveries assigned in Skingrad. Meal break at West Weald Inn. Skingrad to Anvil. Patrol termination. Pay advance on taxes-due for Anvil abode. Package deliveries. Retire to Anvil manor. Relieve Vilja of duty for the day. Change into comfortable clothing. Quick nightcap by the fireplace. To bed.

See, you guys know all this stuff.

Anyway, it is now the following morning. My avatar has woke Vilja. They breakfasted in the manor, changed into travel gear, and are now at the city gate about to depart.

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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:22 am

Jerric and friends have returned to Skingrad for a breather after their last mission. The city is a little more comfortable now that a beautiful, ghost-pale stranger has captured Falanu's attention. Though everyone is wondering why the alchemy shop is so late to open. :P
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:25 am

it is now the following morning. My avatar has woke Vilja. They breakfasted in the manor, changed into travel gear, and are now at the city gate about to depart.

Your paladin seems very restless as he travels from town to town constantly, performing his duties. Doesn′t he ever get a breather?
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:09 am

Well do indeed pass along the compliment. Pretty cool that you met him after I did. Maybe he can come help with Raelynn the Gravefinder? I died five times last night..... I'll come back later. :bolt:
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:28 pm

Evening Star 12 - 0644.
Niamh ad Vilja arrive at the Spire for their first Archaeologist's Guild quest...
...It really is a magnificent and strange structure and despite her usual disinterest in such things even Niamh finds herself taken up by a feeling nervous excitement at the thought of exploring it, a fact not lost on Vilja who spends a not inconsiderable amount of time ribbing her about it...

Link to pix post: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1317602-more-oblivion-screenshots/page__view__findpost__p__19917794
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Charlotte X
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:23 pm

The Imperial City, Talos District. Morning. Overcast. My decrepit avatar is about to exit the city and returning to Weye to gather the clan before departing for Leyawiin.

Your paladin seems very restless as he travels from town to town constantly, performing his duties. Doesn′t he ever get a breather?
Vilja too chides him for his inability to “take it easy and enjoy life a little”. He can not bring himself to do so for any appreciable length of time. He steadfastly refuses to discuss the matter, but I think he suffers pangs of inadequacy and must therefore constantly justify his worth to both the powers-that-be and the population as a whole, to say nothing of the Nine. He feels, rightly or wrongly, that should he not be seen performing “good works” the public with soon question the honors and rewards bestowed upon him. What hath been given can be taken away. He recalls all too well what his life was like during the years immediately preceding his fortuitous meeting with Uriel Septim in the bowels of the capital. He does not wish a return to that existence. That is to be avoided at all cost.

Do not read more into this than is intended. My avatar most assuredly does not do what he does solely as a means of self-preservation, though that motive does of course come in to play.

As to recent activity, the first leg of their return from Anvil was ho-hum. He again acted as journeyman armourer, repairing the gear of four Kvatch guardsmen. Otherwise nothing of note occurred.

They arrived in Skingrad early afternoon. My avatar had originally not intended to stop there, but then recalled his need to collect wine delivery fees and pick up a new commission from Tamika. That done, he decided they should wolf down a quick repast at West Weald Inn. At that point Vilja tripped him up. She let it be known in no uncertain terms that she was going to dictate their agenda, and exited the city posthaste.

He could of course have refused to bow to her whims, but saw no reason to do so. They had no pressing official matters to attend to. No private commissions either, save Tamika's wine run (to Rugdumph Estate in this case) which can be accomplished at leisure. Thus he found himself strolling east on the Gold, without a care in the world other than those concerns he brings upon himself. This is about as close to “taking it easy” as he comes.

The whole episode turned out to be nothing more that a sight-seeing excursion. Vilja had merely wanted to show him a Daedric Shrine, a Shrine which, as it so happens, he had previously visited. If it makes her happy so be it. A fellow could do far worse than keep his companion happy. Besides, en route to said Shrine they passed another Shrine, an Ayleid well, and a Rune Stone not previously mapped.

Vilja appeased, they returned to Skingrad. My avatar debated them spending the night there. In the end he chose to collect their beasts (left behind during Vilja's foray into the wilds) and return to Weye. Twas a gorgeous night for travel. The nebula was out in full force, bathing the more open expanses of land in a soft glow. The sky was crystal clear, allowing the unobstructed view of a rather intense meteor shower. The roads, having been scoured the day before, were free of vermin. Very relaxing. Quasi theraqeutic.

They arrived home minutes after midnight. My avatar went straight to bed.

Upon waking next morning he indulged himself by http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20Oblivion/WeyeManorBalconyMorn2.jpg, basking in the dawn of a new day as the first rays of a rising sun materialized from behind the concealing spire that is White-Gold Tower. At such times one can feel at peace with the world and harbor hopes for better tomorrows.

Reality eventually reared its ugly head. He left his Nirnly paradise and made his way to the Imperial City, there to gather mercantile delivery commissions and http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20Oblivion/RoadPatrolLeyAssigned.jpg. That brings us back to where this report began.

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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:13 pm

Si'Kha, having shown her true ability to the Night Mother, just http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RidingIntoTheSunset to continue her service to Sithis.

She was a fun character, but as with all of my other ones, once a questline is over I feel it natural to end there. Of course, her save is backed up for sentimental reasons. This should also give me a good chance to try and start a more permanent character.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:38 pm

Midday, Frost Fall

While Buffy is visiting, Lothran thought he′d take her to the legendary Pale Pass and show her the ancient ruin where he found the famous Madstone which the Countess of Bruma had been looking for. Upon arrival in the bitter cold and snowy valley, Lothran disposed of some foul ogres who apparently didn′t like the two elves′ visit.

Having the nick name "Ogre Slayer" amongst the other locals at Olav′s Tap and Tack, he felt he had to live up to the name.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:42 pm

Jerric is chatting with his pal Sanguine.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 7:27 pm

Jerric is chatting with his pal Sanguine.
How neat! Sanguine can drink nearly as much as Jerric! :foodndrink: Not too long ago, Buffy was near his shrine but she must have missed your big Nord. As you can see though, at least the weather was nice. http://i668.photobucket.com/albums/vv43/Acadian6/Cho%20Bk%201/ScreenShot709.jpg

A far cry from where she is now, all bundled up tagging along with dear Lothran through the snow seeing where Lothran recovered the Countess’ Dragonian Angry Rock. Or was it the Dremorian Mad Stone maybe? Oh well, Lothran knows. He’s an ogre slayer! :twirl:
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:14 am

Well, today Baa got restless and closed an Oblivion gate NE of Cadlew Chapel. Her companion carried most of the loot back out and they sold it for many gold pieces. Then she went by the Arch Mage tower to make 10 Frost Salts, then she toured around and found Nirnroot number 201 hiding behind a building she had walked by a dozen times. (She doesn’t collect those Nitnroots that are inside, except for the one related to Blackwood Company.) Later, Baa hadn’t checked on her live-in companions in the houses she owns so she visited them delivering fresh bread and cheese slices, winding up at Cheydinhal. She took a room at the inn there and is resting till the morrow.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:02 am

If Lothran met her wearing that you′d see a very red-faced Dunmer. It would match his eyes I′d recon :happy:
A far cry from where she is now, all bundled up tagging along with dear Lothran through the snow seeing where Lothran recovered the Countess’ Dragonian Angry Rock. Or was it the Dremorian Mad Stone maybe? Oh well, Lothran knows. He’s an ogre slayer! :twirl:
It′s mostly drunk-talk from Brotch and Olfand. It′s not his calling as in Buffy′s case.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:14 pm

Riften is traveling up north to Bruma to stay in his house for a week
The people of Chorrol can get very annoying, particularly an Altmer Mage who got expelled from a certain Guild....
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:29 am

Varla took a long road trip from Skingrad to Chorrol, and investigated a few ruins left behind by her ancestors along the way. She found a curious statue in one, that she sold to an Argonian merchant in Chorrol. Later that same day the Nord butler of some guy in the Imperial City showed up, with a letter from his boss, and business proposition. Varla was intrigued, so she made her way somewhat east to the Imperial City, stopping by Ceytatar and a few other places along the way. Eventually she got to the IC, and looked up this fella Umbacano. He looked like he had more money then Zenithar, and needed ways to spend it. His talk of the Ancestor statues intrigues Varla. Although she is not sure she wants to give any more to him. Rather she might want to get them all for herself. After all, they are part of her ancestry, not that goldenrod's.

Wandering around Cyrodiil has been making Varla restless. She needs a place to call her own. Falanu's house is nice, but it is not her home. Besides, the way Falanu wants her to lie completely still when they make love is getting more than a little weird. It is hard enough just staying quiet! Part of her thinks of taking one of the smaller Ayleid ruins and turning it into a house. But they are all so run down and dark, not cozy at all. She grew up on a farm in a mountain valley. She likes having the sky above, and warm greenery all around. So perhaps a little cottage somewhere by the lake? Weye seems like a quaint little place, with plenty of room for new homes.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 4:54 pm

Wandering around Cyrodiil has been making Varla restless. She needs a place to call her own. Falanu's house is nice, but it is not her home. Besides, the way Falanu wants her to lie completely still when they make love is getting more than a little weird. It is hard enough just staying quiet!
Not to mention that soak in a tub of ice beforehand... :blink:
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:35 pm

30th of the Last Seed - 3E433

Eldaril has decided to head south to find a shop that's selling Volume III of Biography of Queen Barenziah. Leaving from Newlands Lodge early he went south through Harlun's Watch, passing quickly through Vahtahcen (the Argonian there didn't seem to talk much) and a couple of bandit camps. He was later attacked near Fort Sedrien. Despite quickly fending them off the fight took a lot out of him and he headed inside to rest. After taking care of the Marauder at the entrance he finally had a chance to recuperate for an hour or two. Currently he getting his fists dirty dealing with the last of the Marauders before getting a good night's sleep.

He's turning out to be quite an interesting character. I don't think I've ever managed to get a true sense of who my characters are before now.
(http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/g321/DarkHumbug/Oblivion%20Photos/2011-12-30_00002.jpg a quick photo from the previous day that I've been dying to show off)
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:10 pm

Niamh and Vilja reported back to Teav in the Archaeologists' Guild after having completed their first mission. Subsequent to that they set off west to complete some business in Anvil but were waylaid not far from Kvatch by promises of adventure in a ruin populated by some very strange creatures indeed. They are currently following through with this in the hopes of learning more about it...
Archaeologists Guild: http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy265/bassmunkee/Oblivion/oblivion_281211/Archeologists_Guild-1.jpg
Argente: http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy265/bassmunkee/Oblivion/oblivion_281211/In_Argente.jpg
Discussions: http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy265/bassmunkee/Oblivion/oblivion_281211/In_Argente_2.jpg
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:20 pm

My decrepit avatar and Vilja are about to exithttp://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20Oblivion/CrayfishCaverns1.jpg. They went there hoping to find a magical Chalice. They leave disappointed. In compensation a number of rings and other valuable loot was pilfered.

Their patrol of the Green to Leyawiin the day before was uneventful. As sometimes happens on that run, they hooked up with a larger Legion patrol south of Bravil, where they had stopped to deliver packages, grab new mercantile assignments, and eat. From that point on it was smooth sailing, with them doing little more than collect unclaimed spoils.

They spent the night in Leyawiin, he at the Fighters Guild hall, she in the Mages Guild basemant...the usual arrangement. He had thought to depart for home on the morrow, with stop en route at Drunken Dragon Inn to gather taxes-due. At the last possible moment he changed his mind, sent Vilja back to bed, and proceeded on foot, accompanied only by their pack-donkey, to Rockmilk Cave. He spent the entire morning and half the afternoon cleansing it of unsavory occupants, amassing much loot and a goodly number of Black Bows in the process. Poor Groucho's back was bowed by the time they returned to the city.

Back in the Leyawiin he delivered Black Bows to the Count, collected Vilja, and sold a good bit of Rockmilk droppings to various local merchants. By then it was time for supper, which was had a Five Claws Lodge. That saw them to bedtime.

Next morning they at last departed, crossed the Niben, rode north on the Yellow to Drunken Dragon, collected taxes, continued north until reaching a ruined fort next to a river-spanning bridge, dismounted, tethered their beasts at the ruin, and followed the river northeast to the afore mentioned cave.

It is very late in the day, no campsite reasonable close. They are as yet uncertain how best to proceed.

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Claire Vaux
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 4:26 pm

Varla is http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/oblivion/Oblivion628.jpg, next to the Tower Stone. Tomorrow night she plans to head back to Skingrad to pick up the books she left there with Falanu. She does not intend to invite Falanu to her new house. She is a tired of those ice baths every time before six...
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:22 pm

Rodrigo is a honorary member of the New Order of the Virtuous Blood. With his new found powers of illusion at level 50, he made short work of Seridur and his buddies. This could be a line of business for my disgruntled mage.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:15 pm

Rodrigo is a honorary member of the New Order of the Virtuous Blood. With his new found powers of illusion at level 50, he made short work of Seridur and his buddies. This could be a line of business for my disgruntled mage.
Niamh's one as well, maybe she'll see you around...
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James Baldwin
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:28 pm

Rodrigo is a honorary member of the New Order of the Virtuous Blood.
So is Lothran! And remember, if Rodrigo ever needs help he can ask Buffy. This kind of work is her speciality :yes:
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:51 pm

N and V are now the owners of a - hopefully - spook free Benirus manor. A bit different from the shack in the east.
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