» Wed May 02, 2012 11:07 pm
First was to Cheydinhal, to report back to the DB and find the Hlaalu female for Vilja. The latter was done before the former and with much rolling of eyes at the Dunmer's price for information.
Having ensconced V in one of the more salubrious inns in the town Niamh went to http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy265/bassmunkee/Oblivion/oblivion_040112/niamhs_little_secret.jpg at the DB's office. Vicente was really very pleased and even offered to make Namh one with him - so to speak - the offer was politely, but firmly, declined. She was directed then to Ocheeva and undertook another quest, or at least was given one.
Niamh met V back at the inn and a plan was drawn up to http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy265/bassmunkee/Oblivion/oblivion_040112/landscapes.jpg south and west first to Bravil via the Archaeologists' Guild camp south of Imperial City and then on to Leyawiin - a place to which Niamh has never been before.
Following a side trip to http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy265/bassmunkee/Oblivion/oblivion_040112/exploring.jpg, a fight with a couple of trolls under a bridge - (apparently it was theirs) - and an ultimately http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy265/bassmunkee/Oblivion/oblivion_040112/vanua.jpg and frustrating http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy265/bassmunkee/Oblivion/oblivion_040112/in_vanua.jpg into http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy265/bassmunkee/Oblivion/oblivion_040112/in_vanua_2.jpg, our heroine and her erstwhile companion finally arrived at their first (scheduled) stop - the http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy265/bassmunkee/Oblivion/oblivion_040112/the_archaeologists_camp.jpg...
The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed something rather different about our heroine in some of these pixel-o-graphs - her ears.
Niamh has over the time since Vilja and her first met come to have, shall we say, a growing appreciation for her younger companion. Evidence of this can be seen in these snaps. Niamh has carried a secret with her, a legacy from one of her parents although she knows not which, and the truth you may recall from a previous chapter was never revealed by her foster parents.
One of her parents was an elf, a wood elf - although Niamh can't be sure from where - she feels it, and has done with increasing strength over the passage of years. Abuse at the hands of her peers - (you may remember) - made her learn to keep this a secret, hence the long hair and meticulous attention to covering her ears.
She has come to feel a level of trust with Vilja unlike any she has experienced before, and so after http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy265/bassmunkee/Oblivion/oblivion_040112/Niamh_thinks_she_needs_to_tell_V.jpg, when they were in the Imperial City, she left Vilja in the Merchant's Quarter for a time and returned to her with her hair cut short and her secret revealed. Vilja's reaction strengthened her belief she had done the right thing. Although she was a little cross at first that Niamh hadn't felt she could tell her sooner, she understood and respected Niamh for what she had done.
It was Vilja who put the rings in.
"You should be proud of who you are." She said...
...It seems that just as Vilja appreciates Niamh for providing her with companionship and aid during her quest so too Niamh is beginning to live again, or for the first time, as a result of Vilja's influence...