Niamh and V have travelled to Anvil ostensibly to locate a hidden cache of Assassin's armour in the basemant of an abandoned house there. This they found, but equally found it not quite to their tastes except for a fun little toy which Niamh appropriated that involves some rather nice upgrades to the old hand-to-hand

Along the way they did some favours for the Daedra involving ridding the world of some Necromancers and freeing some trolls.
Niamh is currently wondering whether to join the Mages' Guild, but they have not got much time because they need to travel east again to "finish up some business"...
[EDIT - 24/12/11] - Niamh and Vilja, after having not joined the Mage's Guild, have left Anvil and are making there up country to Chorrol via the far west of the country, following the river, initially at least. It is there intention to get to Chorrol and then make their way east once more via Bruma and Cheydinhal. This is in part due the needing to find the vendor of a certain house in Anvil that, as it turns out, is not all it seems to be...
Go here: - bottom 3.
Oh yeah, and Niamh is now on foot cursing the loss of a horse that cost her 5,000...