Lady Saga left Lord Drad's Estate to go off adventuring with Erthor once again. She took one of the slave houses, and Erthor currently dwells in the other one. He's not so happy.

He's always [censored]ing about wanting to "get back to Skingrad soon", and the truth is Saga might just take him back there soon.
Saga has a calm animals spell of some sort, which she never gets to use as Erthor is gung-ho about destroying every wolf and rat they meet.

Sadly, Saga might just wind up becoming a solo wanderer. She likes wildlife, being a wood elf and all, and Erthor just doesn't seem to "get it".
Anyways, the pair wound up going to Fort Hastrel, a cave (I forget which one), and an Ayleid ruin (Vornando). Saga prefers a simple iron bow for a weapon, and uses for backup. Rockshatter is deadly to any enemy who dares get too close. It's nice having Erthor around when dungeon-diving, Saga has to admit this. But Saga is very much the explorer, Erthor is very much the whiner. Saga uses lots of Detect Life spells (Minor and Major versions stack) and is born under the sign of the Lord, which helps because as she's being attacked, her health gets restored constantly during such attacks, as long as she remembers to cast the appropriate spell.
Nothing much to report with their travels though. The Fort had a few undead and vampires, wheras the cave had a bunch of imps.
OH, actually...deep in that cave, Saga
did wind up finding some sort of very RARE robe. I've never heard of this one before, and I'm forgetting its name now. It fortifies Merchantile, Speechcraft, and some other skill, and is worth
2000+ gold! Since Lady Saga is only Level 2, finding this was amazing, especially since there's an attitude amongst gamers that there's "nothing special to find" in the vanilla game at lower levels. Saga just proved this is false.
Perhaps her husband left her for another man? That's enough to crush most women. Then the bank/chapel/moneylender foreclosed on the farm, and she was left with nothing.
Actually, it's clear to me now Ann just came to the IC after Kvatch was destroyed. Makes total sense. Her "farm" would have been somewhere up there outside the city gates.
Kira had a nightmare last night that she died in a Necromancer's cave, north of the Roxey Inn.
(((OOC: In other words, my glass cannon "shattered" due to sloppy play by yours truly. I RP that deaths are nightmares and then start again from the save after my character's last night of sleep.)))
Wow, cool.
Ahhh good to hear about Ann Thraxx! I was wondering when she'd share her tales in Cyrodiil with us. I assume that's her in your new avatar? I like it!

danke meine fraulein Mara.