I got to play with
young Jerric Kjellingson the Nord Battlemage this morning. Possibly the most fun I’ve had playing Oblivion.

Kjellingson arrived at the Skingrad Mages Guild hall in the middle of the night. Just in time to see the chapter head cross the hall and shack up with Vigge the Cautious. Kjellingson took the opportunity to climb into her empty still-warm bed, grinning at his good luck. He slept late and awakened cuddling Sulinus Vassinus.
Oh well, thought Kjellingson. I’m not going to worry about what didn’t even wake me.
He spent the morning pillaging the guild hall for supplies. Sadly the Skingrad chapter was richer in fancy clothing than alchemical ingredients. An hour's work produced a few of his precious magicka potions, plus several others for sale. All things considered, he decided he would rather use his luck picking mushrooms than bed partners.
On the way to his guild assignment, Kjellingson took a break to pick some flowers and go swimming. He let the air dry him until his sunburn was bad enough to require healing. Later he got some practice with his new Fireball spell and had time to regret selling all of the Restore Fatigue potions. He returned to Skingrad as the sun set, a grateful little Bosmer trotting at his heels.
After a dinner of mostly Tamika’s wine since he had used up all of the hall’s food making potions, Kjellingson collapsed into a free bed. He wondered with whom he would awaken. And far more importantly, if he would be able to buy sweetrolls from Salmo in the morning.