Where are you now? #7

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:26 am

A continuation of where your character is and why.

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GEo LIme
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:24 am

After 300 hours in Skyrim, I finally re-loaded Oblivion and found my level 31 Breton Atronach Sorceress seated at her desk in Chorral with the adoring fan peering over her shoulder. I vaguely remember she was taking some time to consider her options to do the DB purification, but could not remember what she had done last. She stood slowly, and I realized she was over-encumbered. Opened the menu, and indeed she was laden with all manner of expensive loot. It was approximately 4am, and I guess she was waiting patiently for a run over to Rasheeda to unload. I glanced around the home and smiled at all of the pretty Welkynd stones that adorned the book cases. I reflected about her homes in Skingrad, Cheydinhal, her wizards tower and at the 360,000 gold in her inventory. At that point, the trip to Rasheeda seemed moot, so she walked upstairs to the spare bedroom, and just dumped all of the loot in the chest. She left Chorral with the adoring fan and just began walking with no particular destination in mind. She approached a large structure, and then remembered she had just inherited the Battlehorn Castle. She entered the gate, spoke to a few of the guards, then sat down to reflect.

For all of the love and great gaming hours I have enjoyed in Oblivion, I have always lamented over the fact that my characters seemed extremely lonely and unfulfilled. I realize this is not an issue for so many others who prefer being loners, or despise followers due to their inefficiencies. I also just enjoyed the prior portion of this thread admiring the deep role play relationships between characters such as Lothran and Buffy. Since I play on vanilla/360, I dont have access to the many mods that could alleviate this problem. Vanilla Skyrim, with all of it's imperfections, has provided companions and marriage which have become very valuable to my characters, and provided a sense of purpose for them. This was the "ONLY" aspect I found lacking during my approximately 800 enjoyable gaming hours in Oblivion.

As my character sits in Battlehorn, pondering whether to ask the adoring fan to "wait" or to ask a mage apprentice or guard to "follow"; my Skyrim character is adoring his Dibellan Priestess wife, and adventuring and forging unforgettable experiences with his devoted body guards across the province of Skyrim. As much as I love Oblivion, and for all of the deep and rich experiences I have had with it, I am so fearful that (in old-school radio parlance); is has just gone "solid gold."
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James Shaw
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:18 am

Lothran′s and Buffy′s friendship stretches far back now and as you may know they both are in Bruma where Lothran lives. If you want some RP reading, might I recommend http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1185185-roleplaying-2/page__fromsearch__1
Also I noticed your character′s hours. http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1183763-how-many-hours-on-a-single-character/page__fromsearch__1?
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:31 am

Lothran′s and Buffy′s friendship stretches far back now and as you may know they both are in Bruma where Lothran lives. If you want some RP reading, might I recommend http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1185185-roleplaying-2/page__fromsearch__1
Also I noticed your character′s hours. http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1183763-how-many-hours-on-a-single-character/page__fromsearch__1?

I am fairly certain I did report the hours in the thread. It would of appeared as "under 500", because I have only played 2 characters; a Breton Mage and a Breton Atronach, each with just over 400 hours. I will also read the RP thread, but more importantly continue to enjoy the rich stories of other Oblivion characters that have positively impacted my experiences in both games. Who knows, maybe she can re-group. I actually tried to take her to Skyrim, but she turned back. She is and will always be a native Cyrodillian. She just wants someone she cares about to appreciate her wealth, success and failures, and is desparately seeking a way to achieve this.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:23 am

N & V are done with Caldera for the time being and are back in Newlands Lodge, enjoying an ale or 3.
The morrow will see them head back to the IC for a bit of a catch up with some of Niamh's contacts there and some restocking. Niamh has an urge to venture to the far East of Cyrodiil as she has heard tell that there are some rather interesting ruins out that way; obviously this is foresaking somewhat her DB duties but Talos take them, she's good enough at what she does to get cut some slack and besides, increasingly she finds travelling with V considerably more stimulating than murdering people, although in fairness she's not about to give that up qute yet...
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:06 pm

Another thread already! :twirl:

I never got to say in the last thread, but I love those nearly-naked pictures. (Everytime I re-typed that it sounds wrong, but that's the best I can do.) They really made me smile. Alas I don't have any pictures of my own to share. In both my topless pictures of http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Arumwaterfall1.jpg and http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Skarsgard9.jpg, they've kept their bottom half covered. I expect I'll get a shot of a barely covered Skarsgard one of these days, though. One of his favourite activities is stripping off for the ladies (and sometimes the men) when he's had too much mead!
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:58 am

Niamh has been off acquiring things for Derrian, after leaving Vilja to relax in the the Tiber Septim.
Seems that Dorian is quite the collector, unfortunately whilst N was collecting his collection, she was distracted by The Pelvis Of Elvis and the Boots of The Nerevarine, amongst other things, and completely failed to notice the dart gun traps on his bedroom walls. A painful lesson in staying focussed was learnt.


Standing at the end of his bed she briefly considered offing him just to teach him a lesson, before instead settled on robbing him blind.

Damn that Vilja, she's given her a conscience. (Of sorts)...
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:36 pm

Darian fumed the whole way from Anvil to the Imperial City and back again. If the deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is, he thought. I should have kept saving for a horse.

He met Velwyn Benirus at the appointed place. The two of them proceeded into danger.

“You lead from here,” Velwyn hissed once they got inside. “Hopefully we can make it to the basemant without too much fighting.”

“Right,” said Darian. He drew his silver sword, prepared for battle. “Wait, what did you say?”

“You lead from here. I’ll follow.” Velwyn looked like he might swallow his tongue.

Darian stepped back out onto the porch. Velwyn followed.

“So,” said Darian. “Do you suppose it would be bad to handle this another day?”

Velwyn raised his face to the Gold Coast sun. “Who cares?”

Darian walked down onto the patchy, dead grass. Velwyn followed. “Want to go to Cheydinhal?” Darian asked.

“Did you hear a noise?” gasped Velwyn, staring back at the manor.

Darian took that as a yes.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:50 am

@mirocu – Thanks for starting a new thread, my friend! Buffy’s getting bummed about the prospect of leaving Bruma again, but guild business awaits, I’m sure. :wavey:

@WitchAzural – Thanks for the kind words toward Lothran and Buffy. You are correct that OB can be a lonely game, but friends like Lothran help a lot. Buffy’s nature is such that she does adventure best alone from the shadows, but having friends in every town is a wonderful thing. :bunny:

@Milady Mara – Wonderful to see Arum and Skarsgard again! :run: :run:

@Phon – Hilarious trinkets! :clap:

@Grits – Good choice, Darian. Use that guy as a follower. Who needs a silly house when you can sleep in the local FG guildhall? And for less than the price of a bandit’s pair of greaves or lion pelt you can rent a room for the night at an inn. :twirl:
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:24 am

From what i remember, I left Tara in Bravil. Despite living there, she decided to pay Daenlin a visit, after hearing so many wonderful things about him.

She dicovered that he was lovely and a very pleasent person; he even taught her a few things about Archery, although she thinks she will stick with Willows blade and her Magicka for now! :)
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:56 am

You guys and your great descriptions of your characters led me to do a small quest, for my own character. I wrote a book about him and left it in game for him to find.
It would be great fun to write about your characters and leave them scattered thruout cyrodill for your characters. Just something to think about for now.
Imagine, there is a scribe following your adventures, not unlike the bards, except the scribe of course writes it all down. Adds a bit of poetic flair to it and one day you happen to find it while digging for treasure or visiting a friend.

This is something i'm musing about, beings that most everyone is off playing Skyrim, (I am too). Just wondering what the interest would be for something like this. Nothing fancy, just a book about your characters wanderings and stats, and perspective on the great land of cyrodill.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:27 am

You guys and your great descriptions of your characters led me to do a small quest, for my own character. I wrote a book about him and left it in game for him to find.
It would be great fun to write about your characters and leave them scattered thruout cyrodill for your characters. Just something to think about for now.
Imagine, there is a scribe following your adventures, not unlike the bards, except the scribe of course writes it all down. Adds a bit of poetic flair to it and one day you happen to find it while digging for treasure or visiting a friend.
If you want to read some more about our characters and what we do to roleplay, you can find a lot of stuff http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1185185-roleplaying-2/page__fromsearch__1 :)
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:27 am

Jericho is currently having a bad time with Archery;

It was nearing midnight, the silenced weight heavily that night, only to be broken by the occasional patrolling guard.

Daenlin had gone to bed a few hours before, he told me that he had a spare bed for me to sleep in.

I can’t sleep…. Something in the back of my mind kept pestering me to train some more, I could not help but feel down, I have been here for several hours yet none of my arrows had found their target.

I am really that hopeless?


Daenlin has been really supportive, so I believe it's only a matter of time ;)
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:32 am

N and V are currently far to the East by the Malada ruins, about to venture inside.
It's been an eventful journey thus far, to an area to which neither of them have ever been, abutting as it does the western border of Morrowind.

The Lost Boy Cavern provided a diversion for awhile as the two of them became entwined quite literally in someone else's problem. Erandur was bested in the end though but not before Niamh was forced to seek help resurrection from her deity - he reminded her she only has 8 chances left before she must reincarnate from the beginning of her memories...

Prior to that the Shrine of Peryite afforded an interesting trinket and a trip to Oblivion, the smell of sulphur and close, fetid air disagreeing considerably with Vilja who, despite her outward bravery, is definitely the more delicate of the pair.
Niamh finds she grows fonder of Vilja...

They had followed the river eastwards from the Nibenay basin, stopping for the night at the Imperial Bridge Inn, after stopping to visit the settlement of Cropsford, to see who they were fairing.

It's been a long journey and both women are very much aware that they are now - as far as they can tell - far beyond any form of civilisation, and will be so for awhile, since it's Niamh's intention to journey north and east, hugging the far border of Cyrodiil, taking the long route back to the places they have come to know.

For the moment?
Malada and it's secrets await...

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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:50 am

Just finished adding a room with lots of storage space to my Arborwatch Basemant Mod I made years ago. It has 36 chest stacked 4 high and should hold a lot of the stuff Baa collects. Anyhow, to the point:

Searching all of her junk storage areas and moving the items to the new chests, Baa realized that she didn’t have a complete set of Ebony armor. She had all the other armors, but not that. What to do? After some thought she remembered that Marauders sometimes wear that armor, sooo… she set off to collect what was missing.

She went to a fort out around Kvatch known to have Marauders and collected two missing pieces. When she came back out of the fort she just wandered around for a while, as is her nature. Suddenly, in the distance she saw flame. She approached cautiously as her radar was indicating an Oblivion Gate ahead. Sure enough, it was a live, all fired up, Oblivion Gate with the assorted creatures scampering about. She killed them with her arrows.

But something wasn’t right. Baa checked her journal and saw that she had closed 20 Oblivion Gates already and knew the locations of five more. This gate was on her discovered map but not on her list of open gates. If that was all true, then it would mean that there were 26 gates open at one time or other. But there are only supposed to be 25 gates at this level in the MQ.

So what gives? Baa’s only guess was that the Kvatch gate didn’t count in the 25 total. Anyone got any ideas?

Baa closed the gate and afterward took a few pictures of her companion posing in front of the remains. Then she went off in search of the rest of the Ebony armor for her collection.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:39 am

By way of an extension of my previous post on Malada, I present you with this creative-writing effort of the conversation that would have ensued prior to the journey there:
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:01 pm

Having settled a case of drunken and disorderly conduct between FG guildmates in Leyawin (the misguided souls just need work to focs on!), Maia is slowly making her way back north. An extensive exploration of Veyond yielded a very interesting, and at times dangerous, experience. Side note: Topal Bay at sunrise is a beautiful site!
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:58 am

:D, after several days of practicing, Jericho can now actually hit his target ^^, all thanks to Daenlin. :D
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:05 am

Niamh and Vilja arrived in Leyawiin about mid afternoon, and settled at the 3 sisters for a well-earned ale - it had been a long journey indeed from the environs of Fort Facian following first the river and then the Yellow Road south.
Leaving V in the inn, Niamh went to see Hildara, who after some persuasion gave up very interesting information with regards to secret passages and the wearing and not wearing of a certain ring that a party required...

...much later that night, a robbery was perpetrated by person or persons unknown and an item of jewellery was removed from beside the bed of a particular countess and her husband.

Niamh, who quite coincidentally had been out for a stroll in the night and had seen absolutely nothing at all, picked V up from the outside the inn the next morning, and with her in tow went to visit an interested party in the town who may, or may not, have had a connection with the events of the night before...

The item has been returned and the 2 left Leyawiin with no further incident. They planned to stop in Bravil to report back to S'Krivva and see if there were any other "special" quests to be done. First though a stop at Silver Sky Temple was called for to let Patina know that vengeance had been wrought. Whilst they were there they received an urgent plea from Garkos, who needed them to find some proof to clear him of suspicion.

Later, in Bravil, S'Krivva gave some worrying news that necessitated a rapid return to the Imperial City, though not so rapid that once it had *finally* stopped raining, Niamh actually found the time to remove her boots and dabble in water by the shore, across from the city.
The sun was out, the air was warm on her skin, Vilja was prattling happily away in her ear and the cool waters were lapping at her sandy feet, Methredhel can take care of herself for a bit longer. You know, it's almost as if she's starting to enjoy herself... :wink:

Did you know that a lot of the bridges have trolls...? :biggrin:
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Lavender Brown
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:51 am

Great update, Phon!
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:38 am

Weye manor, slightly past midnight. My decrepit avatar stands at bedside in his third floor private quarters, about to undress and hit the sack.

The day saw them travel from Leyawiin to a cave east of Bartholm in search of ever-elusive chalices. That didn't pan out. They then reclaimed their beasts at Bartholm and returned to Weye.

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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:46 am

Here is a link to the fan fiction section thread for Niamh, it's the latest post detailing a recent event in her professional career: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1309222-niamh/page__view__findpost__p__20207505

It's a 2 parter, of which this is the 1st.
It is a little "gritty" in places...
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:06 pm

For the past month I haven't touched the game. But I know where I was.
I was standing in the Temple of the One after the MQ thinking 'WTF just happened' 'Wheres the damn party'
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:49 am

Niamh and Vilja are currently clearing Varondo of indigent conjurers and various Daedra. Prior to that they had visited Nonungalo where Niamh had heard tell that there was a suit of armour: "Sister of Eisen", the companion piece to an suit she once possessed. This was located and presented to Vilja as a gift, along with many apologies, for a regrettable incident that had occurred a couple of days previously with an old friend of Niamh's that she had by chance met up with again in Divine Elegance.
Xenia, a daywalker, had... well let's just say that leopards and vampires seldom change their spots and this one was no exception. Unreliability was one of her lesser faults, persuasion one of her greater - if you were the victim.

The situation was resolved ultimately, once bitten twice shy - (though thankfully not literally), and Xenia passed out of Niamh's life once again in much the same way as the last time; Niamh is in a different place now and was quite frankly glad to see her go...

And so our two heroines met up again, and made up, and are now - (barring side trips to Ayleid ruins) - on their way to Fort Sutch, where Niamh has "A Bit of Business"...
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:11 pm

With Buffy now on her way down to Anvil, Lothran found peace at Jerall View this evening where he felt he could relax his ears for a while ;)

That said, he already misses her :(
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Christine Pane
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