Niamh and Vilja arrived in Leyawiin about mid afternoon, and settled at the 3 sisters for a well-earned ale - it had been a long journey indeed from the environs of Fort Facian following first the river and then the Yellow Road south.
Leaving V in the inn, Niamh went to see Hildara, who after some persuasion gave up very interesting information with regards to secret passages and the wearing and not wearing of a certain ring that a party required...
...much later that night, a robbery was perpetrated by person or persons unknown and an item of jewellery was removed from beside the bed of a particular countess and her husband.
Niamh, who quite coincidentally had been out for a stroll in the night and had seen absolutely nothing at all, picked V up from the outside the inn the next morning, and with her in tow went to visit an interested party in the town who may, or may not, have had a connection with the events of the night before...
The item has been returned and the 2 left Leyawiin with no further incident. They planned to stop in Bravil to report back to S'Krivva and see if there were any other "special" quests to be done. First though a stop at Silver Sky Temple was called for to let Patina know that vengeance had been wrought. Whilst they were there they received an urgent plea from Garkos, who needed them to find some proof to clear him of suspicion.
Later, in Bravil, S'Krivva gave some worrying news that necessitated a rapid return to the Imperial City, though not so rapid that once it had *finally* stopped raining, Niamh actually found the time to remove her boots and dabble in water by the shore, across from the city.
The sun was out, the air was warm on her skin, Vilja was prattling happily away in her ear and the cool waters were lapping at her sandy feet, Methredhel can take care of herself for a bit longer. You know, it's almost as if she's starting to enjoy herself...

Did you know that a lot of the bridges have trolls...?