Meanwhile, the legion rider has dismounted, and is running full speed in the other direction. He leaps off the end of the bridge, races down to the water, and slaughters a mudcrab. "For the Empire!"

I love the imperial legion. So many comedy moments.
Skarsgard's quest to visit every tavern in Cyrodiil is under way! The pictures can be found in He started in Anvil and has decided to rate his experience in each one out of 5.
The Fo'c's'le gets a measly 1/5 from him, he had a terrible time there. There was no-one in the place and Mirabelle Monet was very impolite. He didn't stay. From there it was on to the Flowing Bowl, which only earns a 2/5 since he had a tough time getting a drink. Some wood elf was in and out of the door all the time, letting the draughty sea air in! The Count's Arms inside Anvil's walls got 2/5 as well. It was full of sad men with stilted conversation. Only the khajiit in there had anything interesting to say.
Once he was on the road though, things brightened up. 3 lovely ladies were there to greet him at the Brina Cross Inn. The mead was good and the evening was pretty fun, so Skarsgard decided to stay the night. Unfortunately the three lovely ladies declined to join him in the bedroom, so Skarsgard Still, the female presence and good mead earned a solid 3 and a half out of 5.
His favourite so far has to be the Gottshaw Inn though. A lovely young legion soldier and a friendly tavern owner really put a smile on Skarsgard's face, and he went all out and bought a bottle of Tamika Vintage 415 at a cost of nearly 40 gold to share with the two. He had a lovely lunch, and the presence of the attractive legion soldier pushed Skarsgard's rating up to 4 out of 5!
After this he will head east towards Skingrad. Hopefully he'll have a better night than in Anvil. He hasn't had the opportunity to get merry yet