I've another amusing Skarsgard update for you all. I shan't tell you the details of The Sleeping Mare at Pell's Gate (1.5/5) or Faregyl Inn (3.5/5) since they aren't that interesting compared to what happened at the
Inn of Ill Omen, and it will be too long otherwise.
Skarsgard http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Skarsgards%20Quest/InnofIllOmen1.jpg in the evening, just as the sun was setting, after a hard day of http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Skarsgards%20Quest/Wilderness1.jpg At first, he didn't think there were any patrons, but as he headed upstairs with a beer, he stumbled upon http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Skarsgards%20Quest/InnofIllOmen3.jpg They got chatting, and across the course of the evening and many more beers, became good friends.
It seemed the proprietor downstairs had had a few drinks as well- he'd opened all the bedroom doors, declared the beds as free and taken off his own pants, left with just a shirt and apron covering his bits and pieces! Skarsgard and his new friend Forrester found this hilarious in their drunken state, and ended up going outside for http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Skarsgards%20Quest/InnofIllOmen7.jpg Forrester actually said to Skarsgard at one point, "Shhh, you're scaring the deer!" (Forrester didn't hit the target once in 3 hours, he kept hitting the tree. I think he really was drunk.)
I left them to their own devices for a while and picked up again in the morning, when I found Skarsgard helping Forrester punch a deer to death in a nearby pond, as Forrester had lost his bow. It was unclear if the pair had had any sleep at all, or if anything had happened between them. Skarsgard wouldn't tell me, instead telling me to give the Inn of Ill Omen 4.5 out of 5!
Now he's off in the direction of Bravil, after http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Skarsgards%20Quest/InnofIllOmen4.jpg (for now) to Forrester, who said to him, "If you ever get into trouble, come find me."

Rather a successful evening, wouldn't you say?