Etta has left Vanua, in possession of the Crusader's Helm. Much has happened since she abandoned Sheogorath's mad realm.
Having "hit bottom" in her life of crime and degradation, she asked for help at various chapels around Cyrodiil, and was directed to a certain Prophet in Anvil. He sent her on a pilgrimage of prayer and fasting, and of seeking the forgiveness of all the Nine. Ultimately she was caught up in a desperate quest to protect Tamriel from an ancient menace.
Etta has now come all the way around. She started as an ex-slave, a prosttute, and a casual murderer, rose to the highest ranks of the Dark Brotherhood, and descended into the madness of Sheogorath's little corner of Oblivion. She is now on her way to Knighthood (although the idea of her own valor is the furthest thing from her mind.)
And here I leave the character for a while. I may return to Etta later, and ride with her to the conclusion of KOTN, but for the moment, she is in a good and stable place. Time to turn to new adventures...
Enter the newest character... Kara Whey is a young Breton student of the arcane arts. She came from her rural home in the West to seek admission to the Arcane University, and was robbed of her life savings by a Khajiit highwayman. Hungry and tired, she stumbled into a run-down inn late at night, and, thinking no one would mind, she ate an apple without paying. She was caught up in an escalating series of accusations and misunderstandings, with the result that she was arrested, taken with a group of prisoners to the Imperial City, and put into a temporary cell pending a hearing before a magistrate. Her life has taken a rather strange turn...
I have never completed the Main Quest with a pure mage (my previous Champions have been pure warrior or spellsword mongrel.) Kara Whey is a non-weapon-user, majoring in all magical schools except Conjuration. She's a back-woods type, unaccustomed to city dwellers, and very naive. She's very easily swayed by people in positions of authority. She has just delivered a trinket to an old man in a robe, and is now on her way into danger, on foot, alone, and very inept.