Lod died before I could talk to him. I want to find Barbas. Is talking to Lod a triger for Barbas to appear? If not where can I find Barbas?
Lod died before I could talk to him. I want to find Barbas. Is talking to Lod a triger for Barbas to appear? If not where can I find Barbas?
The dialogue with Lod is a trigger for Barbas. A PC User can cheat using the console to revive Lod. The UESP is a good source of information on what is neded for a Quest in Skyrim for a Player that is careful about avoiding Spoilers. At least the Hircine Quest can not be ended before it can be started.
I thought the guard dialog triggered Barbas and Lod was optional? But if Lod died and barbas is scripted to talking with him, then your out of luck.
i thought so but thanks anyway. now i will stop looking for that dog.
Are you over level 10? If you are then bad luck.