I was thinking of doing some youtube videos where I narrate stories from the Elder Scrolls lore.
I've always followed the lore of this world but not really delved behind the games until recently. One thing I thought would be great would be to listen to someone talk about or explain parts of the lore. I checked around youtube and only found one other person who narrated but he really only talked about things that occurred in the games. I'd like to talk about whats in the games and the connections to the lore that is before and after each game.
I'm just a little lost on where exactly to start. With so much history its daunting. I thought about starting from the beginning, with the different creation myths and explaining details from them, if details exist. After reading them though I think that anyone who's interested in beginning lore might get turned off by them. My comparison would be like someone who only knows LOTR through the movies trying to read the Silmarlion.
I've been reading through the "history buff" post and thought about starting with the basics. The races, their general history, and then pulling back to the broader history of the creation myths and world history.
Other things I plan to do are possibly narrate some of the books from the games. Maybe if enough people like the series I could narrate books that people ask me to.
Anyways that's the idea. Criticism and ideas are really welcomed as well as where I could start with this.
I'll add my youtube channel to my account website info and probably my signature eventually once I start this project.
- Hawk