I found both games on eBay for about $60 which is fine by me. That webpage says that when you enter Clavicus' Vile's realm, the game will freeze if you're not using true DOS or windows 95/98. That svcks.
What! Don't be ridiculous, Redguard is often sold on Ebay for around $10 + shipping. You just need to watch for better deals. Do what I do and watch http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_trkparms=65%253A10%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1&rt=nc&_nkw=elder%20scrolls&_dmpt=Video_Games_Games&_sc=1&_sop=10&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1513&_pgn=1 for a few days and a cheap copy of Redguard is bound to show up. Battlespire is rarely ever cheap though, so you might as well just order the cheapest copy you can find right now.
You probably don't have a good paying job then.
You know, insulting the people trying to help you isn't exactly a good strategy if you want them to keep helping you.