Hey Guys, where can i buy/find 44. Ammunition ? I buyed allready from arturo rodriguez in diamond city, and know i can't use the revolver from kellogs without ammo
Hey Guys, where can i buy/find 44. Ammunition ? I buyed allready from arturo rodriguez in diamond city, and know i can't use the revolver from kellogs without ammo
.44 and some other types of ammo are rare at the lower levels, once you gain some more levels, you'll be seeing it appear more.
Aside from Arturo who has a lot in stock, you have to buy small amounts from other vendors, even non weapon vendors have small amounts (junk vendors and such).
Sure you can still use it, just press the bash key.
Seriously: There are some wondering vendors that sell ammo, can probably buy some from Drumlin Diner, weapon or trade kiosk's in your settlements might have some. ... or player.additem 9221c 100
Take the Scrounger perk. I regularly seem to find .44 ammo with that even though I don't use it myself.
Those are definitely the most common (I just sell them off, especially the .38. Seems to give an ungodly amount of .50 as well, which is a shame seeing as the .50 rifles are [censored]e this time around) but I still get quite a bit of other ammo types.
Buy all the ammo from vendors (2 people in DC, 2 more in Goodneighbor nearby), sleep for 24 hours, repeat. At level 30 my vendors carry 20-50 .44 ammo on average so I've stocked up to around 900 bullets now.