I accidentally disenchanted my first Novice Robe Hood and I need another one but I don't know where to find any!! I can't get into College of WInterhold in case its there. If you know where one is I would greatly appreciate your help!! Thanks!
All the Court Mages and everyone I've talked to only sells robes... no HOODS! No novice, or apprentice hoods. There have to be some in Winterhold but I can't get in... ugh..!
That's weird. They should have hoods. Try some general goods stores, like Belethor's shop in Whiterun, or maybe the Radiant Raiment clothing store in Solitude.
All the Court Mages and everyone I've talked to only sells robes... no HOODS! No novice, or apprentice hoods. There have to be some in Winterhold but I can't get in... ugh..!
Rest for 48 hours and try again, they'll reset their stock.
Or just get into the college of winterhold. It's not THAT hard.
Faralda, the Altmer at the entrance to the College, sold me a hood last night. I didn't have enough magicka to cast the spell needed to pass her test, but she still let me do business with her.