To be honest, first time I played Morrowind, I played on a 550MHz CPU, 256 RAM and a weak Radeon 9250 with overheating isues. Wasn't running that great, but that CPU was already about 3 years old at Mw's release.
I played Morrowind with a 1.8GHz single core processor with half a gig of DDR RAM on a ten year old motherboard with an integrated Intel graphics card at a consistent 30 frames per second. So long as you don't go overboard with replacers, you can probably play Morrowind just fine with whatever you've got.
Unless your PC is a ten-year-old prefabricated desktop from walmart, you should be able to run Morrowind very well without any trouble on your PC.
It's a 10 year old game. It will run on a lot of not-so-good PCs. And it might even run better on a poor PC than the Xbox version runs on an XBox360. Just something to think about.
What do you have now for a PC?
Edit: But if it's at all possible, get it for PC. You'll be much happier being able to add in mods or otherwise change and enhance your experience.
It's a 2007 laptop, I'll check can I run it .com right now
who knows, I could begin making mods