Bah. Single Player is never strong. You play it once and its over. That, and its against "Artificial Intelligence", a complete oxymoron. MP is where the staying power of the game is at. Try and find anyone who still plays Crysis 1 SP. Very few. They finished it a long time ago. Where are they now? In Crysis Wars. Playing against Human Intelligence, which is much more fun and challenging. I could care less about SP. If the MP is no good, and so far it isn't, I won't be buying. I've already cancelled my pre-order.
I still play Crysis 1 single player!

In multiplayer you can't interact with all the cool physics. You can't even knock over a f***ing barrel. I don't find it fun having 100+ ping in every server I join, getting killed 1 second after I've taken cover from fire (this has nothing to do with my internet.. I get 15 ping in CSS). Why the hell can't I join half the servers on Crysis 1? Keeps saying the versions mismatch. :/
A couple reasons why I'm getting Crysis 2... (1) I wanna see how much better it looks/runs, (2) Single player looks BALLIN'!! Multiplayer can svck mah big fat high-latency balls!...........till I beat single player