Where did Alcatraz go? Did Alcatraz transform into Prophet?

Post » Thu Feb 28, 2013 5:39 am

I understand the whole suit changing the wearer. Alcatraz finds Prophets dead body and takes his suit in Crysis 2. At the end he says they call me Prophet.

Crysis 3 you are Prophet with no explanation as to where Alcatraz mind (and in the last cutscene) his body went as Prophet really was in the suit the whole time?!!

Did Alcatraz the white dude who finds Prophet the black dudes suit get transformed into a clone of Prophet losing his mind as well?!!

Why is the story so stupid?

Do any of you think they will release a prequel to Crysis 3 explaining how Prophet gets trapped in that cage that Psycho breaks him out of? As there is 20 years between Crysis 2 and Crysis 3?

Let me know wat you guys think and some explanation to the silly story would be nice lol ty
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:26 am

His personality file or something is 'corrupt'. :/

In the last cutscene the nanites in the suit are free so they can adapt to any shape and colour, in this case Barnes

The Cell imprisoned him while he was in Siberia

Y nanosuit no stay nanosuit :(
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:27 pm

In Crysis 2 Prophet killed himself (Major Laurence "Prophet" Barnes) giving the suit to Alcatraz. At end of Crysis 2 Alcatraz jumps in the Ceph tower destroying it and the remaining Ceph. The ending showed Alcatraz walking out of a trench made after the blast. But you notice that Alcatraz's voice is different. Why? In Crysis 3 it tells us that Prophet was the entity of Laurence Barnes the more that he fought against the Ceph the more he was losing his human cells and they were becoming more like hybrid cells (Both Ceph and Human) because due to exposure to the Ceph virus. The Nano Suit became stronger and I do think thats why they called it the Nano Suit 2.0 but I don't really know much about that but as I was saying. While his memories are still alive. His body is not his, Alcatraz is still in the suit. But Alcatraz was already dead and the suit was just keeping him alive till the very end of Crysis 2. So in context Prophet is now Alcatraz, it's just that Prophet isn't using his body Alcatraz is his body. The suit use what was left of Prophet's DNA in the 2nd one and changed Alcatraz into Prophet. It's kinda weird but you need to listen a lot to know was going on between characters.

BTW type !Spoliers! in the top so ppl won't get upset about knowing the story about Prophet and Alcatraz...
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sam westover
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Post » Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:22 am

Stop thinking. Crysis story is completely broken. XD
There are many strange points & comtradiction.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:31 am

Did you actually read the datapads and logs in the Crysis 3?
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N Only WhiTe girl
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Post » Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:11 am

STFU, Modsuki. The story can be connected easily.

After Barnes killed himself in C2, his personality got stored in the Nanosuit.

Alcatraz, who was mortally wounded, was kept alive by the Nanosuit, but a prisoner of it and Prophet's mission. At the end of C2, when he killed the NY Ceph, he finally "died". And the resurging personality of Laurence Barnes AKA Prophet took over his body.

For most of C2, Alcatraz is literally nothing more than body and fuel for the Nanosuit, sent out to finish Prophet's mission. Alcatraz's mind is actually still stored in the nanosuit, but when he died at the end of C2, a good portion of the file that contains him got corrupted.

Prophet's mind was intact, and the suit fully restored it. The nanosuit IS Prophet.

C3 is basically Prophet's identiy crisis. Am I just a suit? Does the body matter? Or are my memories, my experiences that define me?
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Post » Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:30 am

Be nice to ModSuki, he's been very helpful to the threads, and he isn't completely wrong. According to Legion Alcatraz was still around after reprogramming the spores, course they haven't told us what is canon and what is not

Frankly I never really cared about the people in the suits.
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loste juliana
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Post » Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:04 am

He IS wrong, and I'm getting tired of his negativity.

The story doesn't have nearly as many holes as people believe (a loose end is NOT a plothole), even if you don't factor secondary canon.

As for Legion, Watts himself wrote that it's not 100% canon to the game.

Alcatraz is still in the nanosuit, locked away. In theory he could've been "alive" during the immediate aftermath of the C2 ending, allowing for Legion to take place.

What matters is that for most of the 20 years between the games, the suit was Prophet.
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:17 pm

Did Alcatraz the white dude who finds Prophet the black dudes suit get transformed into a clone of Prophet losing his mind as well?!!

you don't see what Alcatraz looks like, nor hear him talk all game.. how is he white noob?
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:09 pm

He IS wrong, and I'm getting tired of his negativity.

The story doesn't have nearly as many holes as people believe (a loose end is NOT a plothole), even if you don't factor secondary canon.

As for Legion, Watts himself wrote that it's not 100% canon to the game.

Alcatraz is still in the nanosuit, locked away. In theory he could've been "alive" during the immediate aftermath of the C2 ending, allowing for Legion to take place.

What matters is that for most of the 20 years between the games, the suit was Prophet.

Yup...Prophet was always the suit...
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Russell Davies
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