In that case a dodge move wouldn't help either. :/
It would help to mildly alleviate the problem. What made dodge useful in Oblivion wasn't that it moved you out of the path of their weapon, but that it put a considerable amount of distance between you and your opponent in a very short time frame. It's essentially the same as backing out of range of their attack, but in Skyrim that isn't quite as possible against someone with a 2h weapon when you're using 1h weapons due to normalized run speeds. I'd also like to see them fix the issue of them being perfectly locked on to you at all times, because that would fix the problem, as well.
I must be the ultimate Matrix person then. I can dodge arrows, magic attacks and sometimes even devastating power attacks of enemies with my feeble mage. At any rate, welcome to the world of Streamlining indeed!
As can I, aside from some of the power attacks like you said. It just seems like such a shame that the game has boxed rogue-like characters into a playstyle that's focused around instant kills and doesn't provide gameplay mechanics for those who want to be more of an "agile warrior" kind of thief. If an enemy begins a power attack when I'm already in his face attacking him, there's literally nothing I can do but sit and watch as he takes out a good 80% or more of my health because I don't have enough time to run out of range.
I don't see why it would be so difficult to just change the sneak roll to be available out of stealth and for all 4 directions rather than just forward. Make it so that when sprint is held down and jump is pressed, the player executes the dodge in the direction they're moving in.