Where did those 7 nukes hit? So I started thinking. Luckily for me, I happened to be in an area that I believe one of the nukes hit as I was pondering the question, and that got the ball rolling for me. This post does contain some spoilers if your looking to do the searching on your own, as some areas mentioned are confirmed.
Searchlight Airport: BUSTED-LIKELY NOT A LOCATION! A large crater in the center of the airport is my first piece of evidence for this location. That, coupled with the fact that there are numerous mutated creatures from Cottonwood on up in that area on that side of the map, makes for a pretty strong argument. Additionally, the area has been highly radioactive. No, not from the Legion attack on Searchlight, but from the fact that the town was deserted prior to the NCR moving in and setting up camp. Why is that important? Remember what our Boomer historian told us about the "idiot savages" knowing to stay away from areas they "knew" were radioactive. The fact that the town was deserted, could imply that wastelanders thought the town was too dangerous to live in. Why the Chinese would attack such a largely useless location is unknown.
Nellis Air Force Base: Speaking of the Boomers, this one seemed obvious. As stated above, the area was dosed in radiation for a large amount of time, keeping people away until the Boomers moved in 2231. Additionally, the surrounding area seems like it was smacked with the shock wave from a nuclear blast that tore apart homes, however the destruction could simply be from Boomer artillery. Another argument for this location would be that Nellis Air Force Base could definitely be a legitimate target in a nuclear attack.
Black Mountain: This one is almost a given. However, if you haven't been to Black Mountain, I suggest skipping this section due to minor spoilers. Anyways, the area is highly infested with radiation and mutated creatures in the surrounding area-not speaking of the super mutants. If that wasn't a good enough reason for you, it's almost confirmed it was hit by terminals atop the mountain, which give a nice easter egg and tidbit about the goings on at that time. I've forgotten the purpose of the stations at the top of the mountain, so I can't remember if they would be a valid target or not. There are 2 craters on Black Mountain.
Cottonwood Crater: This one is confirmed.
Mesquite Mountains Crater This one is confrimed.
Devil's Throat and Devil's Gullet: Large amounts of rads in the area, together with mutated critters and giant craters at each provide more than enough evidence to be more than valid possibilities.
Jack Rabbit Springs Highly radioactive area.
It could be said that targeting systems on ICBM's in the FO Universe aren't as advanced as they are in ours, due to the limited room for computer space on something of that size, which could explain some missiles as simply "misses."
Currently, that's all I can think of, but I'll keep thinking and update it if I think of any. If you think of a possible location, please share!