A Gamestop near a Shoprite for 360
A Gamestop near a Shoprite for 360
Yeah, Valve going bankrupt. Like that'll ever happen, lol.
Pre-ordered through local PC hardware store. PC version of course and didn't cost much.
I never understood the hatred and mistrust about Steam. It's very functional and convenient system. Calling Steam intrusive or overcontrolling or something similar is in my mind very childish and shortsighted. Bankrupty? Like that would happen with Valve/Steam. Besides it has been made very very clear that if it happened to Steam, all games would get all DRM removed automatically.
A physical copy is only ok, if the game is allowed to be played in offline mode. FF7 and FF8(for steam), a physical copy obviously can't be had(well it can, but you know what I mean) but they cannot be played at all in offline mode. You must be online to play, which is BS. And by online, I do mean YOUR NET MUST BE FULLY FUNCTIONAL.
So yea, if Value goes the way of the dodo, it means doom for those truly ONLINE OR NO LINE games.
The FF bit was an excuse to rant about it. As I'm still sore that I couldn't play them when my net was down for 7 days. Way to go SE...
In a large store for electronics, it was quite a fancy place.
Then again, I was visiting Antwerp and such stores can be expected there.
For PS3. I eventually bought the DLC's on PSN. And once I get a better PC, I will buy it for PC plus the DLC's on Steam.
M'aiq bought Skyrim somewhere, but don't remember where.
M'aiq plays on both Xbox and PC. He prefers Xbox.
Amazon UK (PC standard version)
Amazon FR (PC collector's edition)
First time, I preorder that game, got it at Gamestop Xbox 360
Second time, Legendary addition, PS3, Gamestop
Because I have been a member of Gamestop since 2002. So 12 years. I get good customer service because I have went to the same store forever, until well I moved away from that store. Sad times.
I can't believe people on PC have been using Steam only all along. I really do not believe this! You can't see a monopoly??? Enjoy your free cell phone you guys are going to get screwed big time later. Some day if you let one corporation have that much power. Legal doesn't always mean moral. Some times it's the complete opposite.
I can't believe you people fell for this. Somebody wake me up. This is not happening.
Is TESO going to be on Steam also?!?!?!
Here, take this, this is for you.
Gabe Newell own you, your family, and everything you hold sacred.
Deal with it.
I feel this hatred towards Valve and Steam isn't justified. Why is it better to own a physical copy and be away from Steam?
Steam is great. Deal with it. Haters gon' hate.
And SFW if Gabe Newell "owns" us?
Oh really?
I got my PS3 version at Gamestop (best purchase ever from there!), was just looking around at various games, and wanted something to help me move on from Diablo 3, and I mostly prefer RPG's, Skyrim looked good, had Oblivion from shortly after initial release for PC , but never 'got around' to playing it lol...after playing Skyrim for a week or 2 , I then installed that copy of Oblivion on my PC just to see how it looked, and was amazed AND disappointed that I never got to playing it in the past ! Then realized it was only the vanilla version of Oblivion , and only way to get the addon content would be to buy it again from Steam , but I did pick up a GoTY of Oblivion for PS3 for like $7 at Gamestop, just saw it one day just looking around, and said, "Heh, if I get tired of Skyrim I'm sure I'll play this, and heck only $7, hard to pass up, considering it had all the DLC with it !
About a week or so ago, I finally picked up Skyrim Legendary for PC ---still kicking myself for not getting Anthology edition for $20 more, didn't realize it came with Oblivion & all DLC
Skyrim is the first game I've gotten that required Steam, and to be honest, I wasn't too happy at all with the setup where you HAVE to go thru Steam to install it ! Actually Steam got on my nerves right off, because my internet connection has a usage cap, when I installed Skyrim, I went and looked for d/l content and saw the high res free download, started it, then realized it was like 4 gigs, which would put me over my internet cap, was at end of billing cycle. Of course, I couldn't play Skyrim on my PC till that downloaded, cause on Steam, once you start the high res free d/l, you can't cancel it ! Needless to say, there is next to no customer service on Steam, I submitted a ticket to get that high res d/l removed from my account so I could play Skyrim, even after a week, no response or action by Steam, so I eventually just had to let it download so I could see Skyrim on PC
Of course, I'm sure companies like Bethesda love Steam, because using Steam lowers their distribution costs and overall costs with maintaining a reliable system for game updates, not to mention piracy issues.
One good thing about Steam though, once you have the game installed, you can just keep Steam offline, no real need to EVER log back into Steam online Many like Steam because you can buy a game without leaving your house, and have it instantly, no waiting for days for it to arrive in the mail or running to the brick & mortar store. Myself, I prefer having a physical copy because it really lessens the d/l time, and if you need to reinstall takes a lot less time to reinstall MOST of the game from a dvd , than to redownload a 14 gig game !
I got a 100/100 line so downloading Skyrim is a breeze. Go back to the 90's, Steam/digital copy haters.
I preordered Skyrim (Xbox 360 version) by trading Call of Duty: Black Ops at my (former) local Blockbuster and received it four days after its release. All for about 45 € iirc.
Then I got it from Steam.
I would also just like to add, that I kind of feel like I'm getting ripped off when I have to pay full price for a digital download. If I'm not having to help cover the cost of physically manufacturing an item, it should cost less.
XBOX Live - I'm looking at you.