Where does your khajiit thief live in Skyrim?
Where does your khajiit thief live in Skyrim?
Good question. I've never played a Khajiit before. So never really thought about it. I do like to RP though.
I guess I would end up playing a thief or assassin, so maybe in the dens for those guilds. Or the Nightingale Sanctuary, once it's unlocked of course.
If I had a Khajiit character, then he'd probably live in Elsweyr.
That is closely akin to my initial local for the subject.
Mine lives happily laid out before the hearth.
My Khajiit is not a thief and he lives anywhere; he doesn't have a house.
I thought it may be because the correct spelling was taken. However, that doesn't seem to be the case...
The correct spelling is http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Khajiit.
I have a Khajiit, but he's not a thief...
does he count? o.o
Yes, my dear. You are correct. I was giving the OP the benefit of the doubt in that he may have intentionally adjusted the spelling because the username "KhajiitDovah" may have already been taken. However, after searching the member's list, that proved not to be the case.
He could still put in a request to a moderator to have it corrected. It could take a few days, but at least it would correct.
I'm afraid changing usernames, even by simply correcting them, is not possible.
Oh.. but they are, my Lunar Lady.
I changed mine to it's current state form the originally... SENIOR CINCO.
You just need to put in a request and the moderator will pass it along to the Administration Dept for approval. MOst all will be accepted, as long as it still reflect some hint of the original username.
As noted by the illustriously elegant Ms Summer...
College of Winterhold/Proudspire Manor
He's a mage with a hobby, not a full-blow thief. Gotta get use out of those Illusion spells somehow.
Not sure, but i heard the Nords at Windhelm have cool cages, might check there.