I love flying past on a vertibird. It's [censored] massive lol.
Currently, Red Rocket. That may change when I find somewhere I like better. I was living with my settlers but they ended up driving me batty so I moved out to be a hermit.
As a side note, when making the white mattress bed with metal head and footboard, it is not a good idea to place a locker at the foot of the bed and prop up Jangles the Moon Monkey on foot locker with his head/ back resting against the foot of the bed.
Bad things happen to Jangles. Bad things. Cannot unsee!
Although I am level 50, I have explored less than 50% of the map. I suppose I call Sanctuary "home" because the bulk of my armor, weapon and junk / components are stockpiled. I built a little "3 story fortress", but I am not very pleased with it. I didn't even bother placing beds there. Gonna scrap it and start from scratch... Sanctuary I kinda of a large area so not sure where to begin building and fortifying that settlement.
I am currently working on 4 other settlements in various stages of completion (considering I only have Local Leader 1) from just putting in final touches (Tenpines), to built housing for settlers and basic defense but no walls yet (Graygarden).
I have most of my stuff at tidings co-op. I like the rustic cabins there. I made the building with the work bench into a work shop and the other large building into a bar with disco light tv and jukebox, and shopping mall. The cabins are used for my 22 settlers bunked four to a cabin (with some spare beds in the boarded up cabin to get the bed count needed)
I was disappointed with the low build height restriction there; I wanted to build a preponderously lobsided tree-house of snaking wooden doom right up the electrical pylon, but found - very quickly - that you can only put one level on top of the existing structure?
At first I made Red Rocket my go to location, since there are no settlers and I don't plan on inviting any to that place. Then I opted for Starlight Drive In, I build a nice 3 story building there and I guess that's where I hang out the most. Haven't found the Lighthouse yet, but that looks like a cool place to hang out, as well. So, we will see where Catherine and Danse end up.
Covenant, with my followers. I like the nice wall and pre-war vibe of the dwellings. My unused power armour stand guard on the inside of the perimeter, rusted hulking gargoyles waiting to be powered up by my legendary wielding followers. (Well maybe not really, but I have left my followers with a fusion cell each in their inventories...)
I've cleared and established almost all of the possible settlements in the game, and I use a few different settlements as my actual homes. Sanctuary is one of them. I have a big workshop with weapon and armor stations, power armor stations etc. built with my personal living quarters above. I also use the Castle as one of my homes. And when I need to get away from it all, I have some personal quarters established at Outpost Zimonja. I don't have any other settlers here though. I rarely go there, but I did take the time to build myself a nice vacation cabin out there.
Almost always Sanctuary. I build my personal space on the roof of the carport and settlers quarters on the foundations right next door and the farm, etc... behind it.
I rarely use any other part of Sanctuary except those areas down to the river (a narrow band) and fence the whole thing in with guard towers and turrets to protect it, although I do put up a gate on the road on the way up from the bridge.
Don't develop the whole area like I do at Sunshine or the Drive-In, don't know why. But it's always Sanctuary for me. I actually rarely use The Red Rocket, although, this build runthrough, I'll try to do something with it.
My SS is on the fence. The Red Rocket is where he calls base, but he also see's it as a sort of clubhouse for his friends and followers. He tried living in his home in Sanctuary, but the memories kept him up at night and he just couldn't cope.
He's on the hunt for a fortress of solitude, a place where he can be alone with his thoughts. Somewhere small where he can just...disappear when he needs to.
While sanctuary is "home" my character stays nomadic. Radstorms are best treated with drugs (they never seem to end when I stay indoors), and I have too much to do, still...
Sanctuary - the reason is super complicated (sarcasm):
I took Idiot Savant as my first perk with an INT of 1 and walked out of there being level 6 or so.
live at sanc but of course i play the property market and have holiday homes all across the commonwealth lol
i built a 3 story house in sanc
my bedroom
private bathroom
second floor bedroom, also has a private bathroom area
first floor living room, kitchen on other side but been waiting to see if can build stoves etc so is a little undeveloped
Usually I use red Rocket for my base, and it'd juts me, Dogmeat and Drinking Buddy. I chose it mainly because it was the first good crafting base and it didn't have any settlers to get in the way.
I used to bring all my companions to RR, but I got sick of them talking over each other whenever I activate a crafting station, so I banished them all to other settlements.
How do you share the workshop though? You need settlers for a trader to work with the workshop, yes?
My thought is to limit it to 2 settlers and have them live downstairs while I remain in my floating home far above (achieved by linking staircases up above the RR roof. I didn't' mean it to be that way, but it ended up that way somehow.
No, you can assign a supply line to an empty settlement. The quartermaster shows up briefly with their Bramin but wanders off before doing anything annoying and mostly stays on the road at the edge of the building radius.
Usually I rout all my supply lines through Sanctuary and have a single one from Sanctuary to RR. Though Once I got Gregarden I changed it up and assigned one of the Mr. Handies to keep RR in the network.