If I ever make another character, I'll use Taffington Boathouse as my base.
I like the Red Rocket. Currently 22 people live there, I put a wall around it and a shopping mall inside. The SS's workshop/living area is inside the RR building. settlers sleep in an extra building. Sometimes I make a stop at Hangman's Alley to drop off loot/craft weapons, but only the Red Rocket really feels like ingame home to me.
Institute Terminator-> in Director's Quarters (but I dump junk at Red Rocket cause the Quarters don't have crafting stations)
Eldritch Raider-> started out at Red Rocket, moved to Home Plate to avoid minutemen jehova witnesses, in the process of turning Spectacle Island into my little slice of oblivion
BOS Sentinel-> Red Rocket, the only file where I actually built it up from the default state
Revolutionary General-> the Castle
I have 10 settlements, I think, and am currently in the process of bringing them all to a certain standard, as below:
Bunk house/houses with 20 beds
Defense of atleast 41 ( including 1 mortar )
20 food
20 water
Scavenging station
Radio tower
Farmers wear plain harnesses
Scavengers wear scavenging outfits
Guards wear road leathers, assault masks, raider armour
Provisioners wear gas mask with goggles, road leathers
Need to find a lot of cloth and oil now to finish them off, then I will build Sanctuary up more as this will continue to be my main hub for trading, crafting and bottlecaps.
I didn't even consider that reason! I was wondering what was so special about that place. The place does have a novelty feel about it, but I just use the garage as a Crafting Station for weps/armor/chems, and that's about it. It's quick-loading too when you fast travel there because it isn't a large place, and there's no settlement on my map.
I think the main reason for that is that, after the vast and overwhelming expanse of Sanctuary, it's the first spot you come across.
If somebody isn't bothered much about the base building part of the game - and many aren't - then it's the best early game location.
i set my base of operations up at the castle but i have Red rocket set up as my hub for supply lines and also where all my followers reside. i dont understand why however i can send all supply lines to RR as well as companions but i can't do the same for the castle or sanctuary
theres a nice little settlement in the south at an old harbour, theres a woman who thinks she's a synth there you can either convince her she's human or kill her but either way you get a settlement out of it. its a good location as it has a warehouse, a boat shed and 2/3rds of a house with a dock. the house can be rebuilt to an extent with clever placing of floors and walls as well as being able to add a floor in the upper part of the warehouse, its also easy to build defences if you use the buildings as walls. its also got a fair-sized carpark out front
I used to use Sanctuary, but having to sneak past Preston (literally) every time I went there got old (because apparently he can give you like three radiant quests AT A TIME if you happen to walk just too close and he sees you). So I use Sunshine Coop now instead. I like that it comes with cute cabins and a cool 'Free The Robots' sign, and it's closer to Boston which is nice too since i rarely fast travel. If only I could figure out how to get rid of those damn ghoul corpses. I spent forever dragging them out behind one of the outhouses and came back to find they'd re-spawned, still dead, inside the cabins where I first killed them. Anyone else have this issue? I suppose I could just use the console to get rid of them but I'm worried they'll re-spawn not dead the next time or something.
Red Rocket. By myself.
It's small, convenient, and has a full set of crafting stations (I really wish "build crafting station" was unlocked by crafting skills, rather than Local Leader, which I don't want to get because I have no interest in leading these people or building vendor stalls. And don't have the CHA for.)
Haven't done much to it - cleared out all the loose debris, moved the armor & weapon stations into the garage (and gave them storage boxes), and put some magazine racks by the counter. ...and then started adding turrets (with stairs up to the roof) when the radscorpions, super mutants, raiders, and mole rats started attacking.
Haven't done much with settlers yet. I've done various radiant "find this settlement" quests, but I mostly just toss a few turrets/water/food at each spot. I've only put up a couple beacons. Eventually, I'll grab my collected junk, move to some large open space (the drive-in is my current best option), and try building something cool. But still as a solo base.
you can always speak to Preston an get him as a follower then dismiss him and send to another settlement
Are you at your limit with settlers at those? It won't let you send your followers to a settlement that is at its limit.
yeah those limits dont make any sense. i have 8 charisma so +10 right? then why is it that when i went back to the Boathouse there was 32 people there?
Yes, I have done everything I can think of to get rid of them because one is laying right by my work station, but they just keep coming back.
At the moment Red Rocket is my favorite
Not too big, nice pre built structure to do something with and fairly close to sanctuary if you need a bigger settlement close by, build limit is a little restrictive (for some reason seems smaller at Red Rocket than other places?) but there are always ways around it, was hoping to do a little more to the settlement but I could not be bothered scrounging the materials, anyone has any ideas for what should be added?
There are also a few other settlements I would like to do something with, tried turning Warwick Homestead into a concentration/slave camp and enslaving the Warwicks by kicking them out of the main building and relocating them to a slave pen but for some reason you can't delete their beds in build mode, guess I could always try cheat commands but (at the time) I was hoping not to have to resort to cheats.
Is there a sort of infinite resource command in the command line? (yeah I know I am lazy but what did you expect from somebody who calls himself Ten Toed Sloth?) Or do you just have to use the player.additem command to give you a good supply?
Has almost always been Sanctuary through ~250 hours of play. I like the car port workshop area . . . But I'm leaning towards dramatic curtailing of my use of fast travel so I'm planning to move to Oberland Station, which seems to be just about as Central as any of them.
I've got around the limitations of the site by building an elevated three-story structure toward the northeast corner of the buildable area, and that leave the central courtyard sinkhole area clear for crops. Getting the walls to work on that humpy bumpy terrain and with the tracks there is a trick. But long term I want to see if i can get the total pop size at Oberland up in the 50 or 60 range and get the built area extended to more or less the entire area.
Manual scrapping to the rescue!!
I've seen some amazing builds in here. My main base is still in Sanctuary but today I started to build on Taffington Boathouse (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Taffington_boathouse). I like the location and the almost intact house makes for a very good opportunity and cool layout. First time I came by Taffington Boathouse I thought that it could become the ultimate trade hub for the "out of Boston" settlements and the Boston settlements. A very good connecting point.
I'll make sure to upload pictures as soon as I'm done with it!
Also, I was thinking that Coastal Cottage (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Coastal_cottage) would make for a cool place, with the "dug out bunker" and all but it proved to be very hard to build around it. I also made a try on Croup Manor but it turned out to be a [censored] location, for me at least.
I live at Sanctuary... You can check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJHCfH6rWYc... I'm not that far into the game and have only opened a few of the bases... The plan was to make this a small settlement then build more so it has a built up feel... Then the idea was to move on onto the Red Rocket station but this took me ages to make and got a little caught up... I kind of want to get this to a standard I'm happy with... which I am but still needs a few finishing touches but I'm fairly happy with the outcome...
Sanctuary, because I got it set up fairly early on and I'm far too lazy to move.
One thing that really irks me about "settlements." I built up the caps to buy the apartment in Diamond City, "Home Plate." Then once I get it realize: a. cannot build crafting stations inside the apartment. b. It apparently doesn't count as a "settlment" so I cannot link it to my other settlments and use it as a central resource management hub *Grrrr*
So I scrapped everything there, and transferred it to Sanctuary. Now it sits completely empty and only time I use it at all is perhaps to temporarily drop off loot if I'm in the "downtown" area.
To me the whole point of that house is to have a central crafting location, and resource hub that is super convenient to lots of traders AND lots of respawing locations with bad guys and loot, and yes I know that all the workbenches outside the apartment in the market are useable. But they are not "MY" workbenches and I do not even believe that resources in the master Workshop bench inside the apartment are shared in any of those workbenches.
Hopefully this is something mods can change.
Same here. With the Expanded Settlement Mod you can really go crazy with an entire island to yourself.
The respawn for me too unless I place furniture and power in the cabin. Sometimes they even come back to life! On the plus side, the Super-mutants that spawned at the same time when I first arrived don't.
On my second runthrough, I found out they don't respawn in the cabin if you get them to chase you outside and you kill them there.
I don't call anywhere home.. why ??
Cuz' I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place, I roam from town to town
And when I find myself fallin' for some girl
I hop right into that Vertibird of mine and Fly around the world
Yeah I'm the wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around