Where does your SS live, and why?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:10 am

Mine uses Spectacle Island, but he spends more time building ridiculously large buildings for personal use more than anything else. To date he has build a giant pyramid, a tree house, the house from Up, and is now working on his biggest project a resort Castle. He is also thinking about Noah's Ark and a bender statue that is laying down.

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Nicole Mark
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:45 pm

This for the same reasons (but my companions are at different locations depending on the companion). My ally is all ghouls, mostly in tattered rags, with the doctor in a lab coat with fashionable glasses so I can find her easy (she refuses to stay at her shop stand). Only 12 ghouls inhabiting the place since they all spawn in a tiny area and it looks a bit ridiculous. I might be kicking a few more out, although sending them to shops and defense posts helps a bit.

I really want to build on the bridges over graygarden (just realized you can actually build up there) so I might do that in the next play through.

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