1. ive read about it already but my load out resets when play mp online.
2. ive been trying to play a game for the past 45 mins on mp and every time i log into a server i either get "banned" "kicked" or some other stupid reason.
3. i get on 1 game finally and the first guy i see i got to kill him with another teamplayer in the room. we both shoot him and he dies... it shows his body as still standing there like he timed out of the game, then i get killed and i dont even see a gun shot mele gernade or anything. as soon as i died it says "banned"... anybody else got this problem?
Game worked perfect the first two nights. i can log out and play COD black ops with no problem. so not my internet.
EDIT: got in one game while it was in window mode. as soon as the first round was over for capture the flag it said " connection lost..."