Crops and farm space can be replaced. A persons life cannot. There is more than enough farm space in the US. it's a pretty big country. not to mention the knowledge people tak ewith them to the grave.
On Topic: where is the Aerotech Office Park?
Just as a friendly comment, there's a few things to consider:
1) Yes, there's plenty of places to farm in general. But this area is the Mojave Desert. They need irrigation to farm at a scale to provide for New Vegas and the surrounding towns (and suburbs if you consider something like Freeside for instance to be a suburb of New Vegas). And much of the water is irridated.
2) Okay, I know the ghouls prove to not be feral if you let them go. BUT, is there any real indication that they aren't before one does so? I know there's a terminal with their request for help (if memory serves), but unless a specific date is given, I don't remember it showing WHEN they asked for help. So from a RP standpoint the main character would be IMO wondering if they are feral or not.
So, yes there's plenty of land, but not all of it near enough to New Vegas is practical for farming, sand makes horrid topsoil. And even the land that is, not all of it is getting water that isn't radioactive unless one does that quest. And yes, one (to the best of my knowledge) doesn't have concrete proof that the surviving ghouls who put the plea for help on that terminal aren't feral. But having said that, I could see someone RPing that it's worth the risk that the ghouls have gone feral and save them, figuring that the farmers can find someway to deal. (Although as an aside, I want to say I remember a farmer in the NCR Sharecropper farm saying that the NCR was rationing the clean water, but it's been a long time so I'm not sure)