So your goal is to get to lvl 67 and, at that point, have a specific set of skills and perks? I'm not surprised that you're bored, because to me, that sounds like a boring way to play.
To each his own, but it seems like you've picked a destination, but don't want to bother with the journey. If you're not having fun, you should try a different way to play.
I don't really understand the idea behind a Build as an end point rather than a starting point.
I, and others I'm sure, see Skyrim as a game of exploration- whether you're exploring the world, the game mechanics or your capacity to role-play.
To me, leveling is a side effect of playing the game. I've only completed the main quest 4 times, and with relatively different characters. My last several restarts have all had different goals: Dwemer Archaeologist concentrating on those ruins (with kick-ass Dwemer mods), Hunter-Ranger trying to explore the whole map, Mage using only Frost Magic and Alteration (Draugr Barrows are hard!), Bard who specializes in non-combat skills and relies on companions, etc.
If you are set on hitting 67, you should find some side hobbies in game to give you other goals. Maybe collect 100 Human skulls. Find one of each type and material of weapon. Take a selfie at the exit ledge of every dungeon.
Enjoy the game.