1. EB games has Brink steelbook edition which has the steelbook, tatooes, postcards and the doom pack for $108 and to preorder it cost $10 so $118 altogether http://www.ebgames.com.au/ps3-149880-Brink-SteelBook-Edition-PlayStation-3
2. Jb hi fi has bring for $99 and has the psycho pack and a free Brink bandanna https://www.jbhifionline.com.au/game/ps3/brink-bonus-dlc-bandanna/527503
3. Harvey Norman has the spec ps pack for $92 but on the website it says that the the release date is 19/5/11 while the other retailers have 12/5/11 http://www.harveynorman.com.au/product/1256975542414/red-faction-armageddon---ps
I want the spec ops pack but i also dont want to recieve the game 1 week late so where should i preorder?