I thought in the .ini file you could remove border and go to the other sections. I haven't tried it though.
You can, but it's all just procedurally generated nothingness, and it only extends from Cyrodiil's borders for a little while before you come to this big, eerie "end of the world" thing where the land just stops, and several hundred feet below is the never-ending ocean.

But if they were to do the game with every province, they would have to utilize different world-texture sets for all the different provinces. So however many land textures Oblivion used multiplied by 9. Then, they'd have to create all-unique architecture for not only the individual provinces, but the cultural distinctions and splits within each province as well; multiply all of Oblivion's art files by nine, and then further multiply them by at least 2 or 3. Assuming they continue to hand-place most everything, like Bethesda is known for, they now have 9x the area in which to fill. That includes city structures, caves and ruins and dungeons fairly unique to the provinces, NPCs who are more than just sentence-spouting billboards, a wilderness with actual interesting detail and not just procedurally generated land, etc, etc. They would have to expertly flesh out the religious beliefs and structures in all 9 provinces, flesh out the politics in all 9 provinces, and attempt to pull off the illusion of a self-sufficient and vibrant world in all 9 provinces. Quite a task, really. I'd much rather them focus on one province, or the border region of two provinces, and devote all those efforts to giving vast characterization to a single area, as opposed to spreading all those resources to give a so-so characterization to all of Tamriel.
Besides, from a marketing angle, doing one province at a time is a perfect strategy; it ensures that your series always has new and unexplored places to go, and it guarantees the longevity of your series.
If it really launched in 2025, I'd blame you for such a thing. But I'm kidding on that. Love how you seem to be the only one defending Skyrim.
:P Headline: "Award-winning developers Bethesda Game Studios announced today that their continuation of The Elder Scrolls should not be expected for another decade or two. In other news, a random user on the Bethesda forums was mobbed and beaten to death by currently unidentified culprits. No motive has yet been discovered."
Yeah, I don't know why all the hatred is reappearing towards Skyrim. We went through all that
months ago; I thought everyone had come to terms with the idea that Skyrim as a possible game-setting could be insanely interesting.
Frankly, these two things right here sold me on Skyrim: